A Letter of Thanks

Sep 09, 2008 12:12

Okay, first of all, I have to get this out: SQUEEEEEEEEEE!

Now I need to explain the context.

I know that I've written here before about how deeply impressed I am by all of you. I'm consistently awed and grateful to be a part of a community filled with people who are so generous, so kind and supportive, so talented and wise and insightful. As much as fandom can be filled with wank, it's nonetheless true that I'm always impressed by how people rally together to make things happen (just look at livelongnmarry for proof of this). You offer so much of yourselves, in big ways and small.

Like now.

Yesterday, I came home after a long day to find a message in my email. It was a notification that geminiscorp had been a true gem and given me a wonderful and totally unexpected gift: a paid LJ account!

I was so stunned and touched that I honestly didn't know whether to squee or sniffle, so to be perfectly honest, I did a bit of both.

Thank you so much, Gem! My thanks seem totally inadequate as an acknowledgment of your kindness and generosity, but I mean them from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU! Squeeeeee! ~glomps you and twirls you~ You made... I don't know, I think that might have made my year! :D I really hope that we get to meet sometime, either next year or another meet-up, because I want to offer you hugs and thanks (and probably baked goods) in person.

So now I have a fancy paid account, and I'm still figuring out how best to use these new perks... besides loading up on cool icons, of course. Any recommendations for good iconage? I'm woefully undersupplied on "reaction" icons, like squee-worthy or hug-offering situations. Suggestions? And should I trade in the layout for something new, or do you like it as it has been? I've had this one for over a year, and I've thought about playing with it before... I might have to take another look.

I totally feel like a kid in a candy store. I don't know what to squee over first!

(Except for the awesomeness of geminiscorp, which merits my eternal and unreserved squee. Always!)

squee, gifts, thanks

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