Okay, so I've taken the plunge

Sep 08, 2008 14:15

I just registered for Azkatraz, so I am a messy, volatile ball of squee and wibbling, all rolled into one.

~wibbles like a wibbly thing~

See, I'm simultaneously thrilled beyond belief that yes, this is going to happen, yes, I've made the commitment and I've really going to get to meet all you lovely people and squee and flail and fangirl you...

...but then start all the silly social anxieties, too. Like, "OMG, what if I make an ass of myself?" Or "Eeek, what if nobody likes me in person?" What if I'm all wooden and stiff and everybody thinks I'm a snobby stick-in-the-mud? This isn't like anything academic or professional to me, where I don't give a damn if anybody personally likes me, as long as I acquit myself well. This is... different. Very. And it's a large jump for me to take.

~headdesk~ I really need to get over this stupidity. I have a year to downgrade my Issues to mere issues.

But overall, I am just thrilled, and really, the next year can't come fast enough. Knowing that I've made this commitment will make this year much easier to bear, because I have a prize on which to set my sights. I'm so excited!

And I have found a worthy San Francisco-themed icon for all my Azkatraz-related postings, although finding out where to wedge it into my icons was a struggle. Grrr... I just don't have any that I never use, but when there are limited slots, something's got to go to make way for the new.

Still: squee! I think I'll be walking on air all day. :D


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