It Would Seem That The World Hasn't Ended

Sep 10, 2008 10:53

Pity. It would save me from having to endure tomorrow's evening seminar.

1. Summer is over. It is now beyond crisp, having gone directly to "chilly and damp," and while the buildings are still dank, they are now cold and dank, because the heating isn't on yet (I swear there's an arctic breeze in the library). Brrrrrrrr. The long black coat made its first seasonal appearance today. ~billows dramatically~

2. Related to point one. In breaking out the cold weather clothes, I have realized that I'm in dire need of new trousers, unless "comically flappy bozo pants" are all the rage this season. I hate shopping for trousers, because manufacturers do not cut things for women who 1) are petite and 2) still very curvy. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? ~preemptive growl~

3. ayerf is a fabulous, fabulous author and person for writing a follow-up to "Making a Move," her delicious gift fic for me. Not Just a Bluestocking tells things from Hermione's perspective, and it's just as wonderful and grin-worthy as the original! ~loves Ayerf~ For obvious reasons, I heartily approve if the title. *g* Go and read it if you need to be cheered. Actually, really, just go over and enjoy it and squee at her for being brilliant.

4. Siryanne has also done me a very, very good turn for me! Some time ago, after the reveals for HP Beholder, she approached me for permission to translate the Eileen-centric story that I wrote for femmequixotic, Wholly to Be a Fool, into French. I was flattered and delighted and said that of course I'd be honored. She's recently begun posting the results, and I'm just thrilled with it! For those of you who are francophones or who read and understand French, please go and have a look at Dernière Impasse, so that you can admire all her hard, thoughtful work. Thanks again to Siryanne! It really is a humbling honor to have somebody enjoy a story so much that they'd invest the time and effort that it takes to translate it and share it with others.

5. Thank you very much to all of you who made recommendations to icon sites or generously offered to share your own wonderful collections to help me fill up my new icon slots! You're all very kind and generous souls, and I look forward to shopping amongst all the shinies when I have the time. ~loves flist~ I still haven't decided whether or not I should play around with picking a new layout. Perhaps something seasonal?

6. Reading truly great writing is a humbling experience. I have more thoughts related to this, but I'll have to save them for later. Anyway, suffice to say that I'm been reading the kind of prose that makes me gasp at its loveliness and insight, and of all things, I've come across a passage that really fits Severus. Will unpack those later.

7. Have a good day, now that people are done being silly asses worrying about the end of the world. Smile, be glad you're alive, do something you purely enjoy and be glad that you live in a world where science continues to advance, even in the face of lazy ignorance. :D

eileen, ss/hg, translation, hermione, recs, snape, harry potter, real life, thanks

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