Holiday Wish List

Nov 30, 2007 19:24

Holiday Wishes ( Read more... )


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bluestocking79 December 2 2007, 04:24:33 UTC
Yes, I'm thinking of the sort of dynamic you have in "Light Between the Cracks." ~sighs happily~ I just always think that Severus would be painfully awkward at flirting, but the right sort of person for him (like Dora) wouldn't care. Like you, I can't really imagine writing him any other way. He's temperamentally unsuited to that sort of thing, and although he's a quick learner, I don't think he's had all that much opportunity for practice! He's got the heart of a romantic, though, and I think it would just take the right person to tap it.

And it's mighty tempting to spoil you on a future year of Severus Evans... mighty tempting... but do you really want to be spoiled?

I think I squeed a little bit when I read that. :D I wouldn't mind being spoiled, because I'm just enjoying the story to bits anyway; it wouldn't detract from my enjoyment. Would you really do that? ~is honored~

I'd love to see illustrations for Severus Evans! I'm particularly thinking of Severus and Harry conjuring the Christmas light show, but there are ( ... )


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bluestocking79 December 4 2007, 00:45:27 UTC
And once he "broke the ice," so to speak, and felt secure, he would unleash all of his passionate emotional potential and be a very devoted, enthusiastic lover.

Exactly! We're obviously on the same wavelength about this. (Why am I not surprised?) He needs a certain level of security and reassurance to be comfortably himself, and when he's not in control, he's oh-so-awkward. But after reaching that point, his potential is very great indeed!

I mean, Slytherins don't give up, do they? ;-) Not till they get what they want, or at least the next best thing.So true! The only thing that gives me pause is the fact that he does have a not-very-Slytherin idealistic streak at times, and that could influence his thinking. His personality type (INTJ) is sort of known for not seeking relationships when they intuitively know that the candidate isn't what they really want in a mate. (Hey, I can write this because I am one, and unfortunately know it's true.) That said, I'm with you: his primary drive is to find love and acceptance, and I don' ( ... )


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bluestocking79 December 4 2007, 02:00:57 UTC
I couldn't agree with you more about his feelings for Lily. She represents an idealized vision of what he wants most: love, warmth, unconditional acceptance. His feelings are, I think, less for her than for what she symbolizes, but unfortunately she died before he could come to that realization on his own. I'm sure that after experiencing the "real thing," he would realize that what he'd longed for was really only a pale imitation.

I think it's the combination of your warm and genuine encouragement and the fact that you are on a similar wavelength in perceiving the character that motivates me to want to do a little favor of "thanks."~blushes~ That's a wonderful thing to say. I've been equally grateful for your support and encouragement, just so you know! Actually...if you're interested, I might have a sneak peek of something to offer you, too. Again, by e-mail, and you can't comment on it online, but it's post-DH, bumbling-romantic Severus, so if you're interested, let me know. :D ( ... )


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Re: Vanilla!Sev FTW!!! bluestocking79 December 6 2007, 04:26:22 UTC
I just came on the scene a few months ago; I can't imagine I've had much to add. ;-)

Hah! Much more than you know. How long do you think I've been around, I wonder? I'd never written and posted a piece of fiction in my life until I wrote a drabble in mid-August!

I would be very happy to read it! Is this a project in progress but not yet unveiled, or part of something you've already started posting?Yay! Just let me know where to e-mail it. It's completed but has not yet been unveiled, and won't be for at least another month because it's part of an anonymous exchange. So you're really getting a sneak peek! We can discuss it over e-mail, though ( ... )


Re: Vanilla!Sev FTW!!! bluestocking79 December 6 2007, 04:30:18 UTC
Whoops, sent that off too early! This sentence should read:

I always thought that it was a bit of a persona, so whenever I saw people argue that he must be kinky and a dom because that's the way he acts in daily life, I thought they weren't looking at whole person. It's not always true, but often the hardest shells are there to protect the most sensitive souls.


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Re: INTJ Sev bluestocking79 December 4 2007, 01:51:09 UTC
Oh, I think that's a large part of it! For my own part, I'm about an INTJ as a person gets; I've never scored as anything else, no matter which formulation I take. I'm sure that part of my interest in Severus is precisely because I can relate to that personality; to me, it's often very clear why he acts the way he does.

I think it's worth noting that I really do get along best with INFPs, so you're probably right about the way you'd relate to Snape. I'm sure that goes for Luna as well!


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Re: INTJ Sev bluestocking79 December 6 2007, 04:42:45 UTC
I majored in philosophy.

That explains so much! My original degree is in political philosophy. :-)

Whereas the "J" would be saying, whatever, OK, I don't care, let's just END this, already, and call it done!

~coughs~ I... may be prone to making such statements. *g* Not always (not now, for instance!), but when it comes to arguments that I can already see are unwinnable, then yeah, I'm prone to want to just have it over and done with. My mother is an F type, and she can drive me crazy because she never want to just make a decision and stick with it. I scan all the choices quickly, snip out all those that I can see will be unprofitable, and then go with what's left. For somebody who deals in literature, my brain is oddly machine-like, and many INTJs are in science rather than humanities.

But like Luna, I just shrug and go on merrily being me, whereas Severus would close up and go into Deep Hiding.Well, if I'm anything to go by, then yes, he'd curl up and retreat. It takes such a monumental effort for we INTJs to reveal ( ... )


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Re: INTJ Sev bluestocking79 December 13 2007, 00:32:14 UTC

Alright, you've got me: I do go into an argument with the objective of winning it. That's why I was Political Philosophy to begin with, and bear in mind that I came thisclose to being a lawyer, so the instinct has only been sharpened over time. Not that I don't love a good bit of analyzing, of course (seems to be all I do these days), but I think it's probably characteristic of J-types to want to win, and therefore to cut off lines of debate that they don't see as winnable.

Incidentally, this is why I am, at heart, a Slytherin. :-)

Whereas I'm assuming that the point is to discuss and examine the ideas involved from every possible angle and understand it all thoroughly, and THEN say, OK, done.

You're such a Ravenclaw! That's just such a wonderfully Luna-like attitude. Did you take that Meyers-Briggs Sorting Hat Test?


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