Mission Accomplished!

Dec 11, 2009 17:37

I'll respond to comments and put together a longer recap later this weekend, but the relevant news is this: Younger Brother made it!

His audition was a big success (the Head of Percussion was very complimentary), he rocked the interview and he scored well on the music theory exam. He is utterly thrilled, very relieved... and kind of pooped, but in a good way. (Next week's juried pieces will be a piece of cake in comparison.) We are both of us chilled to the bone (is there anything more punishing than a Northern college campus in the depths of winter?), but we are also filled to the brim from the celebratory noshing at Zingerman's Deli, so that's okay, then. *g* I am also exhausted, even though most of my time this morning was spent freezing, driving, unloading, drinking coffee and worrying... if I were better at time management, I would have squeezed in a nap before tonight's big do.

Oh well. Guess I'll just have to resort to more coffee before I go, then...

In any case, it is a very, very good day, and I am BURSTING with pride in Younger Brother. He was that nervous because he really cares about this, really wants to do this with his life, and you know what? I think he's going to be great. Not exactly unbiased here, but still. Taking your subject seriously, loving to learn and wanting to teach others how to share your love for the learning and your discipline? That's a win.

~pops champagne~ Cheers! :D

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the happy thoughts and good vibes. In gratitude, I offer some good vibes for all of you. ;-)

Okay, now I'm getting ready for tonight's DSO concert. Have to tame my Hermione!hair, from tracking through this morning's windstorm...

squee, real life

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