~crosses mitten-encased fingers~

Dec 11, 2009 08:35

I am off to help Younger Brother for the day, as today is his audition for the Music program at his college. This has been an extremely tense and nervous-making date on the calendar for him, for obvious reasons. As a percussionist, he has to perform pieces for marimba, concert snare and timpani, and he has his piano evaluation sandwiched in there, too. Logically, he knows that he knows this all cold, and that his skill and technique are there.

Emotionally? Kind of a basket case.

I really, really hope he holds it all together. There's no question in his mind that he should be able to pass with flying colors. I volunteered to be a temporary roadie and motivational coach today, to help lug his equipment (a good idea, since the wind chill is well below zero) and to keep him in a good, less-stressed frame of mind.

If he does well, there will be lunch afterward, to celebrate. If he doesn't, there... will probably also be lunch afterward, to drown sorrows. And later on, I am meeting with Best Friend to hear the Detroit Symphony Orchestra tonight, for their massive Haydn/The Planets/World Premiere Klezmer Concerto event. (SO looking forward to it.) That will be my reward for keeping things together. I hope.

Anyway, I am bundling up and heading out; probably won't be back until much later. Send some good vibes this way if you can spare them, would you?

real life

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