And I don't care who knows it. The sky is overcast, the weather is cold, the rain has been pouring for most of the day, sinuses are being their usual diva selves... but who cares? Life is good. Life is very good.
Reasons why Life is good:
1. Got the house cleaned and tidied and suitable for the season, which always gives me a deep-down feeling of satisfaction. I don't really need to have everything neat all the time, but it soothes something inside me when I've organized it all again, and it's a great atmosphere for working. Things are nice and cozy and ready for Halloween and beyond. Also, the house now smells like the mulled cider candles I've been burning. :D
2. I am having a small number of people over tomorrow for Halloween. Nothing too fabulous, but there will be food and gasping/giggling over our favorite creepy movies and the passing out of candy to the neighborhood kids. Which, frankly, is a pretty good Halloween in my books. Haven't decided yet if I'll wear my Rowena costume or my Minerva one. The temperature feels like Minerva-weather, though.
3. Younger Brother has successfully transitioned to a new position at work which involves quite a bit of responsibility and quite a bit more money. This was one of the many things that was weighing on him, and between this and talking out his numerous stresses, he is no longer bastardish. He also seems a LOT happier, thank goodness.
4. It's truly a wonderful thing to see so many SS/HG nominations going to friends, authors and stories that I genuinely love. Yes, it will make it difficult to vote, but it will also be a pleasure to revisit these stories before voting! The quality and creativity gives me great hope for the ship. Thanks once again to Shug for giving us the gift of her time, energy and enthusiasm in order to make this happen.
5. Symphony tonight! Best Friend and I are off to the DSO to see guest conductor Andrey Boreyko and violinist
Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg perform the Barber Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky's "Pathetique," Symphony No. 6. It should be a very enjoyable evening. ~grins~ Say what you want about Tchaikovsky, but he always brings the drama, and I'm looking forward to it. Also very eager to see Salerno-Sonnenberg play in person.
And what do you know? The sun's coming out now.
Okay, off to get dressed and then out for the evening. Good evenings/mornings to all of you, wherever you are. If I can send just a little bit of this cheerful well-being your way, I will be pleased. :D