I believe the mot juste is "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Oct 29, 2009 15:38

And also: "THANK YOU!"

The last year was kind of a lost year for me, for a lot of personal reasons. My writing output was extremely low as a consequence, and so I was really not expecting any nominations of any kind. Just having managed to produce something during that time was a victory in itself, you know? So when I got a nominations letter from sshg_awards, it was a shock. The best kind of shock, to be sure, but I'm still a little bit dazed, so please forgive any dorkishness, okay? (Okay, more dorkishness than usual. *g*)

I've been nominated in the following categories:

"Tidings of Comfort" - Best Drabble Series
"Let Nothing You Dismay" - Best Fluff
"Let Nothing You Dismay" - Best Short
"The French Connection" - Favorite Post-DH Story

And here's the pretty shiny that comes with those:

Again, what can I say but thank you? Thank you to the mods whose hard work make the awards possible, thank you to anybody who nominated my stories, and thank you to everybody who's helped keep me sane and afloat this last year through your friendship and support.

Truly, I am fortunate. ~hugs flist~

squee, shiny, awards

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