I had an appointment for a pedicure this morning at 10am. Morgan called me at 8am to make sure I got up in time to walk the dog and head out to it. I assured him I was on it, hung up the phone, and promptly fell back asleep, to wake up at 11am. *facepalm*
So I have to call the Pro Club and apologize and see if I can squeeze it in tomorrow, but if not I'll go on Monday with SIL and cousins. It'll honestly be cheaper to go in NC, I just don't know how good a job they'll do because I don't know where we'd be going. But. Whatever. It's not the biggest deal in the world, you know?
When I get home tonight if I'm awake enough I want to do some laundry and start dealing with packing stuff, although I'm putting off actual packing until we take Buddy to the pet resort so the suitcases don't stress him out. Tomorrow morning I have a haircut at 9:30am, my nails after that, and then I have to run to the mall for some toiletry stuff and Mud Bay to buy food for Buddy and a couple more treats, and then I have to come home, do more laundry, charge my computer and my iPod and my headphones and clean out my purse and my car. I think I can get most of this done before Morgan comes home and we take Buddy to the pet resort, and then I'll finish up the rest of it and sleep if I have enough time. (If not I'll sleep on the plane.)
It just feels like I have a ton of stuff to get done and very little time in which to get it done. But it'll all get done somehow, and if it doesn't, NC has stores.
Other things we need to do include getting directions from the airport to wherever we're staying, and ensure we have cash for traveling, and decide on books to take with us (well, I need to do this anyway; I think Morgan has his list) and all sorts of random stuff.
I got a really nice backpack as work swag a couple weeks ago, and am considering taking it instead of my rolling backpack. It wouldn't be as easy to get through the airport, but I could probably fit it under the seat in front of me and save myself some angst about having space in the overhead bins for the rolling one. Also it's a really nice backpack and has a rigid section in front to protect headphones or other electronics. I think it'll hold about as much as I normally put in the rolling backpack, too.
I'm mostly looking forward to this trip, so that's something, and other than the panic attack my anxiety's been pretty well controlled. I think I'm doing fine at 4mg, and I'm feeling a little wary about going to 3mg but when we get back from NC I am going to try it.
I haven't done much of it lately, and the bits I did write feel stilted and off to me. I want to go back and rework a section of the current chapter, because I really don't like it. I might be overreacting, but it just feels off. *scowls at it* I'm hoping I can use part of the vacation for some serious writing time, since I won't have any obligations to anyone (mostly), but I also realize that I'll be on vacation so spending it with my face in my computer would be lame. I am, of course, bringing my notebook and pens, so maybe I can do some longhand writing.
Meanwhile, I did go back and reread the college boys, and after the first chapter it looks like I got a lot better about passive voice. I only posted that a couple years ago, but even so I think I've improved since then. I did have some solid writing in there, though, and I like the characters I created other than Adam and Gil. Maybe I'll go back to them someday and do something with them. Maybe, she said dubiously.
Over at
ushobwri, Wednesday's post was a throwback and asked what we were writing ten or twenty years ago and what we thought of it. Well, it's not quite 20 years ago (but close; about 18), but in HS I was writing slash before I knew what the hell slash was. I started a little romantic story about two boys in HS named Matt and Brian. The problem I ran into with them is that I wrote everything out of order, so by the end of my senior year I had like 200 pages of random scenes and no plot. (This is one of the main reasons I try to write linearly now.)
I don't have access to the files anymore; I wrote everything longhand back then and typed it up, but I didn't have my own computer and I was paranoid about my parents finding them, so I password-protected them. However, the problems with accessing those files now are:
1. I don't actually know what computer the files are on. I got my first computer when I left for college, so I'm pretty sure I put everything I'd written on said iMac. After that I don't know where the files went. My iMac stayed in NJ when I moved to WA, but I don't know if I brought my files with me. If I had brought them with me, they'd have gone on Morgan's iMac. After that, I might have put them on my first laptop, but I don't think they got that far. My original iMac (yes, the original bondi blue one) is in Dad's basement, and I could probably look up my files on it if I needed to, but that leads us into:
2. I don't know what the password is I used for the files. And as per MS Word, if you forget the password you're SOL. I have no idea if newer versions of Word have a way to let you into a password protected file if you don't know the password, but the version I was using at the time did not.
3. I'm also not certain where my journals went. I know I didn't throw them out, and I'm pretty sure I brought them to WA when I moved. After that...I'm not sure where they ended up. I hope to find them someday, because I'm curious to know how much I've improved since I was 17, but at the same time I have fears of reading stuff I wrote back then because it's probably painfully bad.
But Matt and Brian were my first original characters for a story that wasn't blatantly copying authors I liked (I was like fourteen; who doesn't do this at fourteen?) and I have a sentimental attachment to them. It might be cool to fit them into a storyline somewhere and see what comes of it. I could probably work them into WC if I thought about it enough, but on the other hand that cast already feels huge and I don't want to shove more people into it just to have them show up somewhere, especially since it won't mean anything to anyone but me.
Maybe someday. Never say never, right?
I have 2.5 hours left until I'm on vacation for ten glorious days. I can make it, right?
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