
Feb 01, 2014 09:21

Day 2 of Nuvigil today, which is good because I didn't sleep that well last night. Once again I skipped my morning Excedrin although I've had a lot of tea, and again my head doesn't hurt. I could get used to this.

What I actually am realizing is that the Nuvigil makes me feel sort of like I felt when I was on Wellbutrin. Kind of. The first week or two of being on Wellbutrin, I felt like I had a caffeine IV in. I was "up" all the time, a bit jittery, almost manic. That went away after a bit and then was replaced with a better mood but an inability to write or do anything creative.

With the Nuvigil, I'm definitely "up" and awake, but I'm not jittery like I was on the Wellbutrin. I don't feel like I've had massive amounts of caffeine, I just feel like I've gotten a really good night's sleep and am ready to tackle anything the world sends at me. I might be a tiny bit edging toward manic, but I'm not talking a mile a minute nor am I all over the place mentally or emotionally. I am, however, in a very good mood despite last night's poor sleep and getting up at 5am to be here, and I noticed yesterday I was in a good mood most of the day except for my back hurting.

A bit of research on Nuvigil tells me that it's commonly used off-label for depression. Also used for chronic fatigue syndrome and ADHD (since it'd probably work as a downer for ADHD folks). I didn't think I was depressed before now, but who knows?

However, I can still write on the Nuvigil. I'm actually making progress on FF, which is nothing short of a miracle. I opened it yesterday and closed it because I was too guilty to deal with it. D: But progress is happening today, so yay. Wish me luck!

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my crazy, headstuff, so many pills, writing

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