This morning did not start well. I was actually awake long before my alarm, but have learned to never turn it off because I invariably fall asleep two minutes before my alarm and if I turn it off I'll oversleep. So I didn't turn off the alarm, and of course three minutes before it went off I fell asleep.
So the alarm went off. Note that I use the alarm on my cell phone, and have for months now. However, for some reason this morning I thought my alarm was going off on my clock radio. So I reached over to slap it off and of course turned it on. Then I couldn't figure out how to turn off the damn radio (note that I've had this clock since, uh, maybe college?) and had to fumble around before I turned it and my cell phone off.
Meanwhile, poor Morgan is lying there like "Uh...honey, can you please shut off your damn crap?" Although he didn't say it like that. I think he was too groggy to curse me out properly. I am also hoping he's fast asleep now.
so, yeah. I fail at wife this morning. I'm sorry, sweetie.
On the plus side, I am wide awake at this point and I haven't even taken Excedrin. I've had tea* and a Nuvigil and yeah, hello world.
*note on the tea - I'm having brewing frustrations. I normally hit Sbux in the morning to get a venti Awake tea, which they make with two teabags. If I take them out when I go to add in cream, the tea is too weak. If I take one out but leave one in, by the time I get to work it's too strong. There has to be a happy medium somewhere, but IDK what it is. I'm fairly certain that only using one teabag would be too weak no matter how long it steeps.
eta: I forgot to mention that yesterday's back weirdness (I felt like I'd pulled a muscle or wrenched something) is all but gone this morning. I also had issues with my right eye not focusing last night, everything was blurry and out of focus like either my prescription was wrong or something. You know how your eyes can get blurry and then you rub them and things come into focus? But rubbing my eyes wasn't helping. But that's all better today. Body, why so weird?
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