I did end up stopping by work today to say hi to a co-worker who's been out on medical leave after having had surgery; today was her first day back so I wanted to swing by and see how she was doing. But I was only there for like ten minutes, so it doesn't even count, right? Right.
Morgan and I ran a couple other errands and went to Costco, which was surprisingly not at all a madhouse, at least no more than Costco usually is. And while we bought a fair amount of stuff, including some big items (as in size; paper towels and toilet paper) it all fit neatly in the hatch of my car, which was very cool. Didn't block my vision at all and was easy to load and unload, although it did take us multiple trips to get it all in the house.
Tonight we are going to Pinky and Kroroboros's to celebrate a very low-key Christmas Eve, and then tomorrow I am working all day but will have headphones and music and hopefully survive without too much wanting to kill my co-worker. I'm also working Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, and have steadfastly refused to volunteer to work Saturday even though we need someone to take a shift. I've done more than my share of overtime these last few weeks, I want a day off. This is also why I'm refusing to volunteer to work when we need coverage for New Year's Eve and a couple days after; the person who's going to be out should have asked for coverage ages ago, in my opinion, and I'd like more than one day off in a week. I'm working New Year's day, so I have 12/31 off--I can't do much with it, since I have to be up at 5:15am on 1/1, but I still have the day off, and after working 1/1 I'm off until 1/5 and intend to keep my schedule open. We only really need coverage on 1/3 at this point but I am not signing up for it. I suppose that makes me selfish, but in three weeks of work I've had about three days off total, and it's impacting my job performance because I just don't want to be there anymore.
I also have a whole unpopular opinion post in my head on how Christmas is not a secular holiday and while it may have pagan roots I'm not pagan either, so it's doubly not my holiday, and I'm so, so sick of people insisting to me that there's nothing religious about it at all and why can't I just celebrate it with them? It's not my holiday, people, it never has been and it never will be and I'm going to stop there before I get into a whole rant and piss people off. I'm not anti-Christmas, I just don't celebrate it.
Chapter 52 of FF went up last night to so far resounding radio silence, which is a bummer, but I figure it's Christmas Eve and people are offline preparing for Christmas, or with their families, or not at work or something and might not have seen it. I'm starting to plot out the last few chapters, and while I don't think I'll finish before 2014, I should be done by February, which is just wild. This is the longest thing I've ever posted, original or fanfic, and definitely the most complex, and I'm still astounded by the response it's gotten on AO3. And I think the audience for WC is maybe growing; I've gotten over 1100 hits on it and I know the hits counter is unreliable, but still, it's more than I thought I'd get, so I'm pleased about that. I just wish I was getting more feedback on it.
Anyway, I hope those of you celebrating tomorrow have a very happy holiday with people who you care about, and for those of you who don't celebrate I feel your pain. For those of you who have to work today or tomorrow I doubly feel your pain, and I hope you get some form of compensation to make up for it.
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