Saw Dr. Z today. No more Fioricet, which is good because it does weird things to me, and I have scrips for oxycodone and a very small amount of dilaudid. The visit took about ten minutes. So that was fine.
Then I went to Walgreens to attempt getting prescriptions filled and grab a sandwich at the Safeway, only the Walgreens was out of oxycodone and were really backed up so the dilaudid would take an hour to fill. So I took back the oxy script and went where I should have gone in the first place, which is a local pharmacy (it's a small nationwide chain with like seven stores or something) that specializes in nothing but pain medication. Got my meds in ten minutes, went back to Safeway, got lunch, and cleared up a miscommunication with a co-worker about why handoff was at 12:15 and it was now 12:30 and I wasn't there yet (I'd mentioned to a different co-worker that I might be running late today due to said doctor's appointment but apparently he'd forgotten).
Now I am at work and breaking my soda ban because I need caffeine and I'm too hot for tea, and trying to figure out if chap 11 of WC needs editing or if I can post as-is. If anyone out there would like to read it before I post it, drop me a note, mkay?
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