Went to work this morning, ran my meeting and apparently did okay with it although I don't think I did that great, but other people said I did fine so I'll take it. And it was my first time actually running the meeting--it's a daily meeting we have to go over incidents of the previous day, and I had two to present this morning and they both sucked, like my co-worker and I were reviewing them an hour before the meeting and still barely had time to finish reviewing them by the time the meeting started. Next week I just have to take notes, I think, I don't need to run the meeting but we'll see how it shakes out.
Anyway, not the point of this post really, just noting that for my own records. Then I got my nails done and they are black with silver sparkles and iridescent foil on my ring fingers, it looks so damn cool. I'll see if I can post a picture later. I wanted something black and silver for upcoming Halloween, and they look gorgeous.
Then I went to biofeedback.
So biofeedback is basically slow breathing while hooked up to a few electrode things that monitor your respiration rate, heart rate, hand temperature, and other nervous system things. I apparently did really well with it, which is kinda cool, and I'm also a very slow breather when I focus on it, which doesn't surprise me. I have years of musical training, singing and clarinet, and I know how to breathe. I'm not always very good at doing it when I need to be doing it, but I do have the training and that sort of thing does stay with you. By the end, though, my body was like "okay, we're done with this for now" and the psychologist did say she'd pushed me a bit more than she usually does because I had responded so well to it.
I have to practice the slow breathing on my own, as much as I can although not while driving because it can make you sleepy or light-headed. And I go back for another session next Friday. I will say my head didn't hurt much when I got out of the session, but by the time I got home I wasn't feeling fantastic.
And tonight Morgan and I went to the mall and activated his shiny new iPhone and got dinner, and now I am not feeling fantastic and think I am going to bed soon.
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