three hours to go...

Apr 29, 2012 09:58

...but who's counting, right?

I came in this morning to over 300 messages in my inbox since Wednesday night. I filter a lot of my mail so that while I get a lot, I don't usually get that much in my inbox--after my days off I usually come in to about 50-80 in my inbox, give or take. But a project got started on Wednesday afternoon that is very email-intensive, so I had a ton of emails on it from the last few days. (Fortunately, it's not one that requires involvement from me.)

Had a good day yesterday playing board games with Strahd, Morgan, and Schmallturm - we played a Star Trek (reboot) cooperative game for the first time; verdict was interesting if complicated, and we're not sure about how much replay value it has, but it might be worth trying again sometime. Then we played Ticket to Ride (Morgan won) and as we were finishing the game, Spoo and Sabs showed up, and we all played Guillotine for a few rounds (I won the last game).

We moved on to Bang!, with new cards, and it was possibly the quickest I've ever died - I had one round and then the dynamite got me. Sigh. Spoo was the sheriff, but Schmallturm killed him in the end (he was the renegade).

I left at that point as I wanted to go home early and unwind before going to bed, and was glad I did because my tummy started bothering me again when I got home. Sigh. I ended up taking a muscle relaxant and going to sleep because I felt too crappy to be awake. Today I'm doing better, thankfully.

RECS WANTED: I am once again in search of earbuds, as the tips of mine have disappeared and they didn't come with spares, and they're not standard tips so I can't just buy replacements. I am looking primarily for comfort and sound quality; these are meant for work so I don't need sweatproof or waterproof or anything like that. I just need a pair of comfortable, good sound quality earbuds.

(note: I prefer earbuds for work because I can yank one out as necessary to pay attention to things around me, or to talk to other people, or what have you. I do have a pair of really good over the ear headphones, but I don't think they're appropriate for work.)

tell me what you like?

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workstuff, lj knows all, life as usual, technology hates me

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