i wake up every evening with a big smile on my face

Nov 01, 2009 21:28

I finally uploaded some of the pics I took at the Rejects show in Nottingham on the 18th. It was an amazing show, despite the fact that for reasons unknown the road back to Bham was bizarrely closed which meant we took a most ridiculous route back but we made it back in the end.

It was an odd sort of day to start with, with us getting kicked out of a pub for not having proof we were over 21 when we wanted to buy a coke at lunchtime.

Then, when we were walking down to the venue from the carpark (I, uh, maybe hit a ruddy great concrete column with the front of my car which was kinda upsetting at the time) we'd just gone past the buses and were walking towards the front entrance, chatting away, when I notice this hot dude walking towards us. And I'm all 'hey, hot dude!' in my head and do that whole watching but not watching thing. And it's only when he's a few feet away that I realise that that's no hot dude, that's Mike fucking Kennerty. Followed closely behind by Gaylor who, I have to admit, I didn't notice all that much because Mike. Fucking. Kennerty. It was rather unexpected, he's rather hot, my brain hotwired and somehow didn't make the connection it was him straight away. But we were cool, kept walking until we were down in M&S to use the loos and then I flailed.

Then there was a lot of queuing, beside two 14 year olds who'd come up from London on their own with nowhere to stay, and the dickish people who pushed in front of us at the London show back in June (they were such dicks about the whole thing and one of them heard me mutter to Beck about how they were dicks for pushing in, came over and was all 'omg, I love your shirt! The Cab are awesome! Except for Cash, he sucks' which as anyone who knows me will understand did not endear them to me). But we had a fine time chatting and hanging out and signing stuff at each other (What's a wesome?) and then despite epic douchery of people, we managed to get barrier.

The Upwelling were up first and. Well. I am not a fan, put it like that. They did cover the Ramones though, which was rather good despite the fact that no one around us sang along. Next up were American Steel who are AMAZING and I had to buy both of their CDs after the show (the dude was all 'which one?' when I asked for the album and I was maybe very happy to hear there were two and got them both immediately and listened to them all the way home). And Rejects. Ah, Rejects. How I love thee. I won't ramble about them, I'll just say that they were as amazing as ever and put on a fantastic show. All hotness of certain band members (by which I mean all) aside, they are one of the best bands I've ever seen before.

Anyways. To the picturemobile! Here are a few of the zillion I took that night. There are maybe a lot of Mike, not because he's my favourite or anything silly like that. But here is a small selection capturing as many of the band, in awesome stances, as possible.

Mike. On his knees. For Nick. Om nom NOM.

El Bandito Ritter. Idek you guys. IDEK.


Tyson on his knees for Nick. I, uh, maybe have a thing for that.

I dunno why, but I just really like this pic. I'm not sure how a boy almost naked and covered in gold glitter can look so vulnerable, but he kinda does to me.

And then he does this and just...wow. Splodey head and ovaries and heart.

Mike. I. Um. Look, maybe he's my favourite okay? And I don't just mean 'in AAR'. I mean, favourite. Above JoeTroh. Above Spencer. Above Cash Colligan. It maybe came as a shock to me too, when that epiphany hit.

But look at him! The man has some weird half head undercut do going on and he still looks gorgeous.

Here he is again with Nick and Hot Bassist Dude who rocked out hardcore and was totally awesome. Uh, Chris is there somewhere, I swear, but he's always so far back that I can never get a decent picture of him. Which is a shame, for he is awesome.

Here is more Nick and more of crazy, crazy Tyson.

Also here.

Also here. Double guitar ♥___♥

And finally:

Oh Nick Wheeler. I love you a lot. You are truly a rock god of amazingness. Also tattoo! Om nom nom, I sound creepy and I don't care.

aar, pics, gigs

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