not!fic: untitled Karl Urban/Anton Yelchin

Nov 13, 2009 20:34

I just noticed that the prompt_party posts have either been deleted or privated or something. Which has bummed me out a lot more than I though. See, I kinda wrote something for one of the prompts and posted it anonymously because I'm in this weird space where I'm about 500 words off finishing a Brendon/Spencer fic and secretly writing a shitload of Trek and Trek RPS fic and sharing it with, like, two other people. Idk what my weird hangup is with posting but it kinda felt really good to post something, even anon and now it's gone and I feel kinda...weird about it.

Anyways. So I guess I'm gonna post it here and stop trying to feel awkward and like I'm cheating on bandom or doing some horrible disservice to the Trek boys characters or something.

Basically the prompt was something like 'Karl comes home and finds Anton jerking off' or along those lines and I wrote this:

Pairing: Karl Urban/Anton Yelchin
Rating: R/NC-17 (I seriously still do not know where the line is between those two ratings. Also I refrained from putting NCC-1701 there. Please be proud of me)
Disclaimer: Not true etc., etc.
Wordcount: ~1400
Summary: In which Karl is happily surprised to find Anton enjoying himself
A/N: Unbetaed because, well. Not!fic.

“I’m gonna be late,” Karl says into his phone and he can hear Anton sigh on the other end.

“Late late?” he asks and Karl makes a face, even though Anton can’t see him.

“Until we get this scene down,” he explains and is answered with an understanding noise. It’s one of the things that makes their relationship easy- the fact that they’re both in the business, both know what it means. The irregular long hours aren’t something everyone understands and it’s destroyed numerous relationships in the past, but it’s something that both Karl and Anton understand. The easy understanding of that helps to counterbalance all the things about their relationship that aren’t.

“I’ll wait up,” Anton tells him. “Get some food, some wine.”

Karl makes a regretful noise. “Don’t,” he says. “I think it’s going to be a long night.”

“Is she being a diva?” Anton asks, and there’s no question of who ‘she’ could be. ‘She’ is Karl’s co-star, an up and coming Hollywood starlet whose attitude is well above her station and certainly not relative to her awful acting ability. Besides her ridiculous demands, she’s overly flirty when it comes to Karl which makes Anton unnecessarily jealous. It’s one of the not so easy things about their relationship, that Karl is bisexual and Anton is not. They don’t argue about it, not really, but Anton shoots Karl’s co-star dark looks whenever he visits the set and then gets mad when Karl tells him he’s being ridiculous.

“Yeah,” Karl says. “You wouldn’t believe it. So we could be here all night.”

“Right, okay,” Anton says, and Karl closes his eyes briefly and lets out a slow breath.

“I’ll be home as soon as I can,” Karl says, and hesitates, wondering if he should say the words, but Anton has already hung up.

Another not so easy part of their relationship is the fact they’ve never said I love you. Not really- during sex doesn’t count, in Karl’s opinion, and there’s never seemed to be the right moment otherwise. Or at least not a moment when Karl hasn’t been slightly scared that Anton won’t say it back because he doesn’t feel the same. Karl’s aware that despite the fact he’s a 37 year old man, he’s acting like a 14 year old girl about the whole thing, but that doesn’t make it easier.

He puts his phone away and heads back to the set, hoping she’ll be ready for the scene and not having another tantrum because the water she has to drink in the scene is too warm.

Amazingly, she’s there and they manage to run through the scene and get a couple of takes that thankfully aren’t too awful.

Karl leaves the studio earlier than expected, but it’s still pretty late and as he drives home he expects to find Anton already asleep. The house is dark when he opens the front door and he thinks his suspicions must have been correct, except there’s a soft noise, coming from the bedroom.

Karl drops his bag and jacked on a nearby chair and kicks off his shoes, padding quietly towards their bedroom door. It’s slightly ajar and when he starts to push it open he’s welcomed with the sight of Anton stretched naked on top of the covers, curls spread across the pillow, one hand wrapped around his dick and two fingers from the other up his ass.

Anton doesn’t look up as Karl pauses in the doorway, and Karl hesitates, not sure whether he should announce his arrival and disturb Anton from his task. He’s not sure he wants to either- there’s something gloriously beautiful about Anton finger fucking himself, hand glistening in the half light from the single bedside lamp, as they slide in and out of himself. His eyes are closed, front teeth just visible from where they’re biting at his bottom lip, muffling the tiny gasps that manage to escape.

Karl licks his own lips, wanting to walk across the room and join in, to maybe control the movement of Anton’s hand with his own, maybe sliding a finger or two of his own in beside Anton’s. Instead he stands and watches, pressing one hand against his stomach, thumb brushing against his bellybutton, fighting the urge to slide it down further. He doesn’t want to take his eyes off Anton, doesn’t want to lose concentration and miss anything Anton might do if he’s busy jacking himself off.

“Karl,” Anton moans suddenly, and Karl’s dick, already rock hard just from watching is suddenly almost painfully so. Anton fantasising about Karl while he fucks himself is hotter than Karl could have imagined and Karl has to ball his hands into fists to stop himself reaching out for Anton and touching himself at the same time.

“Karl,” Anton says again, then adds, “are you going to come over here and help, or just watch?”

Karl lets out a surprised laugh and Anton opens his eyes and smiles at him.

“How long have you known I was here?” Karl asks, not waiting to be asked twice and moving towards the bed, tugging his shirt over his head as he goes.

Anton pulls his fingers out of his ass and half sits up, grinning at Karl. “Just a minute or so,” he says. “You gasped.”

“I was trying to be quiet,” Karl kicks off his pants and crawls, naked, across the bed to Anton. “Didn’t want to disturb you. It looked like you were having fun.”

“I was,” Anton smirks. “But now you’re here and it’ll be better.”

Karl leans in and kisses Anton, long and hard and dirty. It’s been a long day and he’s full of a pent up energy that he’s suddenly anxious to use up on fucking Anton.

“I thought you were thinking about me,” Karl says conversationally, nudging Anton’s legs apart and sliding a hand down. Anton’s still slick with lube, and Karl smiles.

“I was,” Anton says, a little breathlessly as Karl’s fingers curl inside him.

“You’re already loose,” Karl remarks, brushing his fingers against Anton’s prostate briefly, enough to make Anton shudder. He slips his fingers out and presses a kiss to Anton’s collarbone.

“Please,” Anton asks, a hint of pleading to his voice as he reaches up, hand sliding around the back of Karl’s neck to pull him in for a kiss.

Karl moves as they kiss, lining their bodies up so he can grasp Anton’s hip, fingers pressing against the pale flesh, as he slides slickly inside.

Karl stays like that for a moment, forehead pressed to Anton’s, smiling down at him. And then he moves.

Anton’s hands clutch at Karl’s arms, his shoulders, the back of his neck as Karl fucks him steadily, an even, building rhythm that makes Anton’s back arch up towards him. Sweat pools in the small of Karl’s back as he moves, and the heat from where Anton is clutching him, from where their bodies meet, is almost too much.

“God,” Anton gasps, capturing Karl’s mouth with his own as Karl momentarily slows. “This is amazing. I fucking love you,” he adds and Karl kisses him back, hard and hungrily, then ups the pace once more.

Karl can feel the head of Anton’s cock dragging against his stomach with each thrust, and when Anton tightens around him, Karl knows he’s close. He pushes harder, one hand at Anton’s waist, one cupping his thigh, until Anton lets out a beautiful moan and comes, hot and sticky on Karl’s chest. The blessed out look on Anton’s face is what pushes Karl over the edge, thrusting twice more before coming. He catches himself, arms holding himself up before he can slump forward, then gently lowers his face to bury it in Anton’s neck.

Anton runs a hand down Karl’s back, through the drying sweat there, until Karl raises his head and smiles, pulling out and rolling away enough to tug a blanket over both of their bodies. Anton turns, snuggling closer, murmuring a sleepy, “that was worth waiting up for,” against Karl’s chest.

Karl chuckles softly, and presses a kiss to Anton’s forehead. He pauses, just for a split second, then says, “I love you.”

There’s a pause, and then Anton raises his head and gives Karl a strange look.

“I know,” he says, as if Karl’s just said something blatantly obvious, like that the sky is blue, or water is wet. He lowers his head again and snakes one arm around Karl’s waist.

“I love you too,” he adds, before Karl can even consider that Anton might not reply, and Karl smiles and doesn’t complain later when Anton presses his cold toes against Karl’s shins.


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