May 31, 2005 12:30
dream last night:
in airplane to summer program
don't know who's sitting next to me at first...
but look around & see all these people i know
sort of wave/blow kisses at friends
unknown girl comes & sits next to me
she's younger (maybe marl)
sort of doze off
lights are dim, others sleeping
something about the weather...
watching out the windows
switch to seat on other side,
turn around and see and. & jus in weird kung fu outfits
(really cool ones actually)
think, hmm that is odd
see ed/ch behind me, sort of dressed up / made up
feels sort of like a nice gathering
but also an adventure, odd
we end up landing & taking off again
finally we make our last landing
in the airport, i see ckies/mike , interesting
then some soph. guy comes up and leans on the (piano?) with me
sounds exactly like pnich when talks
then \go up big staircase