May 26, 2005 20:16
actually i'm not sure this is a rehash but anyway it was the right word and it popped into my head: bunnies. (popcorn) or rather the tangents we seem to go off on...which of course as usual is a double entendre because it is usually in math class. oh and on gilmore girls today (or rather on the episode that i was watching on dvd as i did my nice little postschoolday workout) in math they were doing integrals and stuff and i totally was like oh my gosh i know what they are doing. and i could tell the show wanted it to seem complicated but whatever it probably wasn't just the same old calc stuff.
we're doing the topic in math that i spent like 3 or 4 weeks on in 6th grade or something and got like 40s on every test, during the summer, but it was a college course and i was 12 or so and i'm not brilliant like that little puny really cool, funny 9 year old or something kid that was in our class. PLUS he had a girlfriend and was like 2 feet tall and 9 or something! bill gates in the making perhaps but probably cuter i would say.
there were some weird people at that place, though.
must think of things to keep myself functioning at summer program next month. well well well.
1) sleep & not in an anally scheduled manner
3) that wasnt part of the list
4) neither was that
5) like actually do art without psychoanalyzing the assignment
6) meet people who arent 1) ordering drugs online or 2) act like they are part of a cult even tho all they do is order drugs online
7) breathe
8) that last one can be really hard sometimes