58 Recs! Fic, Art, Meta, and a Vid Remaster

Mar 28, 2015 08:52

I wanted these to be in alphabetical order by fandom with crossovers in adjacent sections and it ALMOST works... except for Harry Potter and dueSouth. Damn you two. Well, and "fandom". Eh well.

Okay! Should be in order (fingers crossed), but let me know if you find any broken links or anything that goes astray, especially for the Tumblr stuff. I've linked to my own reblogs where possible on the Tumblr links since that's the only reliable way to make sure they don't disappear, but I didn't want to burn too much bandwidth tracking down the others. (We're switching back to an unlimited provider this summer! Super exciting! Which will average slower speeds! gdi.) Two oddball Tumblr links - I think this was my user error and might have had to do with the queue - is why there's 58 links instead of 60. THIS WEEK, I swear.

Direct Links to Each Section
NOTE: These will only work on the main post view. If you're viewing this on your Reading/Friends page or via the Recent Entries page(s), then clicking the links won't do anything. In those cases, use the cut tags for easier navigation. :)

Avatar the Last Airbender
Guardians of the Galaxy/Jupiter Ascending
Jupiter Ascending
Jupiter Ascending/Leverage
Due South
Harry Potter
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
OMG Check, Please!
Rivers of London
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek
Teen Wolf

.: Fandom :.

Tips for Searching in Pinboard by moonilicious
Excerpt: The catch: there are some basics you will need to know about Pinboard's search engine to make the most of it. To start with, Pinboard uses Sphinx Search. If you're an expert on that, or want to look through the documentation yourself, you can stop reading now. That said, Pinboard's implementation of Sphinx Search sometimes seems puzzling if not buggy.

.: Avatar the Last Airbender :.

Rites of Spring by
inlovewithnight [AtLA, Gen, PG, 619 words]
Summary: Spring, and a young Fire Lord's thoughts turn to frogs.
Rec Notes: Namely to banishing them. Because it's a ceremony, that's why.

.: Avengers :.

[Siken's Poetry + Stucky] by
direwolf [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 9 still images]
Artist's Notes: he was not dead yet / not exactly
Rec Notes: Nicely done with the placement of the small, contoured text adding to overall message.

[Steve/Bucky & The Song of Achilles] by
tallforestflowers [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG, 4 still images]
Artist's Notes: I would know him blind
Rec Notes: Gorgeous - uses movie images washed almost entirely of color overlain with the above text.

[Fixing Comic Characterization Missteps] by
rascalparadyne [AVG, Gen, PG, 4 still images]
Artist's Notes: FTFY (Fixed That For You) "Clint Barton, meanwhile, would have forgotten to pack underwear altogether."
Rec Notes: True.

[Peggy & Steve's Similarity in Fighting Style] by
thefrogpresidentisnude, and
airagorncharda [Avengers, 8 gifs + 318 words]
Excerpt: Peggy Carter taught Steve to fight within his abilities, within his limitations, USING his size to his advantage. Be fast, be resourceful, bend your knees and get low and use their momentum against them, and when it gets serious fight dirty.

Peggy Carter taught Steve Rogers to fight like a woman, and that is why he always fucking wins.

Long Screencap-Laden Agent Carter Squee Post by
sholio [AVG (Agent Carter), 2.893 words + screencaps]
Summary: I am crushing so hard on the Agent Carter show right now, you guys. I think it helps a lot that it's only a self-contained 8 episodes, so there's a complete story arc and I can kind of just tuck it into my brain and give it some happy space there. I really hope there's a season two, but at the same time I almost feel like a season two would be a mixed blessing, because it gave me so much of I wanted already, and I would hate another season to leave it in a much worse place. (But I could have another season of their FACES! I am torn.) Let's face it, I will be sad if it's cancelled, but I'm also very happy with the 8 episodes we got.

Rec Notes: I've only kept up with AC via fan reactions and the occasional gifset (limited Tumblr time, not limited gifsets around), and I so rarely watch show canon (brain generally incompatible), but I found this post really interesting. It really makes me want to try watching more than just the half episode I've seen at some point.

Problem (Remaster) by
talitha78 (vid) and
kuwdora (remaster) [AVG (Captain America), Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 3:25 minutes]
Summary: Bucky is a goddamn problem.
Rec Notes: By Talitha's request, Kuwdora remastered her fantastic vid with better quality source material. <3!

Some Sweet Day by
lazulisong [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG, 1.110 words]
Summary: By that Sam actually meant Steve was a super-perfectionist asshole who was very upset that he couldn't bake for shit and had once been defeated by "anybody can make these -- Clint can make these" cookies and spent a week sulking about it.
Rec Notes: From the Sam Deserves Better Than These Assholes verse. <3

The Best Day Ever by
dsudis [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 1.905 words]
Summary: The only thing Bucky hated these days more than surprises was knowing that the people around him knew more than he did about something that concerned him. Steve understood exactly why he had those aversions, but it made it hard to plan for Bucky's birthday.
Rec Notes: D'awwwwwwww.

A Little Bit of Human Touch by
Jaune_Chat [AVG, Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 2.131 words]
Summary: Bucky got Tony to help him fix the sensitivity problem in his metal arm, but the first real sensation he’s felt there in seventy years is rather… intense.
Rec Notes: The one where Bucky & Steve super enjoy the initial sensory overload after nerve blocks are disabled in Bucky's bionic arm.

The Difference a Day Makes by
twinagonies [AVG, Steve/Bucky, R, 26.301 words]
Summary: In which Bucky lives the same day over and over again, and circling, circling, comes back to himself.
Rec Notes: Amazing and wonderful.

Hold Me Until We Crumble by
queenklu [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 22.532 words]
Summary: “Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
Rec Notes:

The Clothes Make the Man by
biggrstaffbunch [AVG, Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 2.067 words]
Summary: It starts with the pants.

Clothing is clothing; aside from taking keen interest in and careful note of Steve and Sam's aversion to a little extra breathing room in their sports gear, Bucky's used to thinking about it all pretty dispassionately.

So he doesn't quite expect it, when it comes.

[or, the one with leather and denim and Steve being so hot it makes Bucky sort of weepy.]

Rec Notes: In which, if you ask me, Natasha is obviously arranging for her own eye candy.

Team-Building Exercises by
Owlet [AVG, Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 2.113 words]
Summary: Integration into adult human social dynamics requires attention and effort. Especially with this bunch of damaged bozos. (A series of interconnected one-shots.)
Rec Notes: Sequel(s) to This, You Protect!

Gettin' Outta the Killin' Business by
bomberqueen17 [AVG, Gen, PG-13, 2.836 words]
Summary: There was a sudden resounding thunk that shook the bar, and Renata slowly turned her head to see that the stranger had pulled the knife out again, and slammed it into the bar top so hard it was halfway buried. He pulled out another from behind his back and did the same, then a third from somewhere on his leg and repeated the process. A fourth knife joined them, from where Renata couldn’t even tell, and he stepped forward. His face was utterly expressionless, still dead behind the eyes.

Now that he’d shed his jacket she could see that his left arm was- made of metal, in segmented plates like armor, with a red star painted on the shoulder. He was wearing a sleeveless black tank top, and his mismatched arms were equal in imposing bulk.

Rec Notes: Have to admit, I really love the idea of Renata slowly putting the pieces together of just who he was over the course of the coming months. (Note the content warning in the summary.)

The Not-Christmas Not-Truce of 1944 by
dropdeaddream [AVG, Gen, PG-13, 1.416 words]
Summary: Bucky stabs a man in the neck. The cow moos.
Rec Notes: The one with the cow. No, not the theoretical cow. The OTHER one with a cow. And, holy fuck, it's priceless. One I've read multiple times and will return to because it's that goddamn perfect.

After the Gloaming by
Mhalachai [AVG, Tony/Pepper, PG-13, 4.208 words]
Summary: Given the very long, very bad day she’s just had, Pepper isn’t sure how much longer she’s going to be able to hold it together.
Rec Notes: A missing scene from the end of IM3, because Pepper is fucking amazing. Serious contender for my gold standard of her characterization.

Our Sins Amid the Rubble by
Siria [AVG, Gen, PG, 1.786 words]
Summary: A cup of Darjeeling, and a sullen prisoner. Peggy and Natasha meet.
Rec Notes: This has an utterly perfect ending.

Empty Throne by
Mhalachai [AVG, Gen, PG, 4.717 words]
Summary: After years in the Red Room, Natasha Romanova does not trust old women, and she will not trust SHIELD Director Peggy Carter.
Rec Notes: Very nice Natasha POV.

Boys Wanna Fight by
enigma731 [AVG, Gen, PG-13, 2.650 words]
Summary: Five times the ladies of Stark Industries kicked ass, plus one time they didn't have to.
Rec Notes: Pepper, Maria, and Natasha being awesome. :)

Emergence by
AlphaFlyer [AVG, Gen, PG-13, 3.436 words]
Summary: She stares at the light over her bed, mulling over the fact that she can do so without needing to blink.
Rec Notes: Natasha, freshly brought into and detained by SHIELD, and Maria, watching.

"Knocking on the Wrong Door AU" by
hoosierbitch [AVG, Clint/Coulson, PG, 1.544 words]
Summary: "Who’s a good boy?" Phil says, kneeling down and trying to pet Lucky, who was attempting to wriggle himself in half with happiness.

Clint is very tempted to say, “Me,” but instead he says, “Do you want to give him a treat?”

“That depends,” Phil says, as Lucky falls over and rolls onto his back. “Are they expired?”

Rec Notes: In which the meet cute happens in Clint's apartment - and it's not even his fault.

.: Avengers/Highlander :.

Small Packages by
Gryphonrhi [AVG/HL, Gen, PG-13, 3.618 words]
Summary: Reasons not to underestimate women or children.
Rec Notes: Peggy Carter, Connor MacLeod, & Rachel Ellenstein meet up on the same side amidst the dangers of wartime France.

.: Guardians of the Galaxy/Jupiter Ascending :.

Your Highness by
shadydave [GotG/JA, Gen, PG, 4.010 words]
Summary: Groot hands the flower to Jupiter, and she smiles with what looks like genuine delight. “Wow, thank you!” she says. She tucks it behind her ear.
Rec Notes: In which Jupiter Jones hires the crew of the Milano for a taxi job and there are a lot of Star Wars references.

.: Jupiter Ascending :.

skygiants [JA, 2.411 words]
Summary: So the movie begins with Jarvis from Peggy Carter and Mrs. S. from Orphan Black as cute Russians in love, but alas! Jarvis is killed tragically by something totally irrelevant to the plot, and somehow this results in pregnant Mrs. S. having to immigrate to New York with all of her wacky Russian relatives and work as a cleaning lady with her daughter, Mila Kunis, aka JUPITER JONES, SECRET SPACE PRINCESS.

MEANWHILE, in a galaxy far, far away, evil space prince Eddie Redmayne and his space siblings, Wrinkly Sis and Gap Model Bro, happen to bump into each other on a planet they've just murdered and exchange pleasantries to let us know that they're all evil.

Rec Notes: Ahahahahawhheeeeeoohoohaaa *wipes tears* Which is to say, this is a GREAT recap of the movie.

[Views on Regenex in JA] by
geekmehard &
nounofrassilon [JA, 343 words]
Excerpt: Do the folks in the Jupiter Ascending universe know that Regenex is made of people? If so, does that make a difference to them?

Is it available to everyone or just the really wealthy folks like the Abrasax family and their cronies? Do the unwashed masses who don’t have access to it think of those with access as some sort of family/social circle of demigods?

The Convergence of Genetics and Quantitative Analysis by
ryfkah [JA, Jupiter/Caine, PG, 3.623 words]
Summary: Aleksa thinks it's about time she met this hypothetical boyfriend of Jupiter's. (Aleksa's maybe at least a little bit more prepared for this meeting than Jupiter probably thinks.)
Rec Notes: This is BEAUTIFUL.

How Jupiter Jones Got Her Gravboots by
blcwriter [JA, Gen, PG, 965 words]
Summary: A missing scene fic (spoilerific) between Captain Tsing & Jupiter Jones before she goes back to Earth, because I know I wasn't the only one who was sitting in the theater thinking "Stinger Apini, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LETTING YOUR DAUGHTER EXIT THE SCENE LIKE THAT?"
Rec Notes: Captain Tsing's POV on Jupiter Jones! Fast and fun so it carries a good bit of character and additional world building in relatively few words.

All That is Earth by
novembersmith [JA, Jupiter/Caine, NC-17, 5.158 words]
Summary: Jupiter’s trying not to take it personally, but being inexplicably flinched away from is getting really, really old.
Rec Notes: ohmyyesthatworksforme

I Wanna Drown Barefoot in Your Sweetness by
goldenisation [JA, Jupiter/Caine, R, 4.283 words]
Summary: “Good boy,” she murmurs against his throat. He goes impossibly still - she’s got enough time to think huh before she’s fast asleep. The next day it feels like a dream, the way that the sweet memories from childhood go hazy and glow at the unravelled edges, so she wouldn’t even notice it if-well. If she weren’t impossibly in love with him. But she is. So she notices.
Rec Notes: I love this fandom.

.: Jupiter Ascending/Leverage :.

The Ascendant Job by
lady_ragnell [LVG/JA, Gen, PG, 740 words]
Summary: “This is not how I wanted to find out about aliens,” says Hardison.
Rec Notes: Snorfle. Hardison's having a pretty rough day with the whole mind blown thing, but it's going to be so cool once they pull it off. Note that it's now available on AO3 for those who previously saw it on Tumblr.

.: Leverage :.

Safe as Houses by
thecanaryfalls [LVG, Parker/Hardison/Eliot, PG, 1.992 words]
Summary: Parker and Hardison comfort Eliot, in their weird multimillionare-convicted-felons-who-are-planning-a-life-with-him kind of way. Set right around The Rundown Job.
Rec Notes: Sweet and quiet for a group where contingency plans and deep cover safe houses are expressions of care and love. <3

Leverage OT3! Domestic Fluff? [5 Scenes] by
notbecauseofvictories [LVG, Parker/Hardison/Eliot, PG-13, 751 words]
Rec Notes: Short, but cute - 5 outsider POVs on the OT3. Number one is probably my favorite.

.: Due South :.

The Talk by
Sineala [dS, Fraser/RayK, PG-13, 1.800 words]
Summary: Even in a world where police officers bond psychically with wolves, Fraser’s bond with his wolfbrother is unique, leaving them isolated, shunned by most wolves. It isn’t until he meets Ray Kowalski that Fraser realizes he might not be entirely unwelcome.
Rec Notes: a different take on Dief's deafness in a dS universe with psychic-bond wolves.

.: Harry Potter :.

[H/D Covering the Dark Mark] by
alekina [HP, Harry/Draco, PG, Single still image]
Artist's Notes: He wants to laugh at the irony, he really does, as he lets Potter brand his arm and override the dark mark with a new one.
Rec Notes: Harry's at a 3/4 angle to the viewer while Draco is facing away, holding his arm towards Harry. They're both standing with Harry focused on Draco's arm (which is turned slightly away from the viewer) as he spell casts, obviously inciting the wrath of the dark mark which is throwing out hissing snakes. Draco's bent slightly away, wand ready but held back, his head turned and Harry's other hand covering the back of Draco's head to keep him that way and possibly to shield him. Harry's dressed all in black and lit with the greenish blue of the spell while Draco's half in the light that's catching the blond of his hair, his pale skin, and the silver of his vest.

It's the slight bend of Draco's body and the placement of Harry's hand coupled with his concentration that makes this image particularly notable. Really memorable.

.: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries :.

Undercover Revelations by
Sarren [MFMM, Phryne/Jack, NC-17, 7.993 words]
Summary: Phryne and Jack go undercover at a private club to flush out a blackmailer. Jack's sexual horizons are broadened when he discovers something about himself.
Rec Notes: I was first going to say that I love how Phyrne views Jack here, but the story is actually Jack's POV. I think instead I love how Phyrne's strength makes Jack feel safe enough to be vulnerable. Really lovely character work happening here.

.: OMG Check, Please! :.

Thin Ice by
psocoptera [OMGCP, Jack/Bitty, PG-13, 17.066 words]
Summary: Bitty wakes up in the Ice Capades. (In which family is difficult, the wrong people are kissed, and the NHL has a secret magic problem.)
Rec Notes: I read this part way through before bedtime and thought I could put it down until the next morning. *laughs* Yeah, so I ended up taking a super fast shower because I HAD to get back to it.

On the Sidelines Wishing for Right Now by
defcontwo [OMGCP, Jack/Bitty, PG, 2.652 words]
Summary: Bitty resists the urge to let out a hysterical laugh because apparently this is just his life now. He tries to call his boyfriend and winds up getting hockey advice from a living legend. 5 times Bitty bonded with Bad Bob + 1 time Jack tries to bond with Coach Bittle.
Rec Notes: Sweet! I have the feeling I'd fall on the Jack side of this equation. Eh well, he gets on okay. :P

Meddling v. to intrude into other people's affairs by
forgettingitsthere [OMGCP, Jack/Bitty, PG, 2.784 words]
Summary: It wasn’t that Jack knew he didn’t like guys, he had gone through the cliché bisexual crisis when he was fourteen (though a part of him wishes it had happened at Samwell - Shitty would have been a much better support system than Parse or his dad. Not that his dad actually knows). It’s just that figuring out he liked Bitty. That had been a bit of a shock.
Rec Notes: Sweetness and light as Jack is an awkward turtle and Shitty meddles.

100px to the Right by
jedusaur [OMGCP, Jack/Bitty, PG-13, 1.415 words]
Summary: Bitty comes out to Johnson in the Haus kitchen after baking four pies in a row. Bitty bakes when he’s nervous, but he also bakes when he’s happy, when he’s tired, when he’s irritated, and when it’s Tuesday, so it’s hard to draw conclusions. Unless you peeked ahead to the last panel first to check for cliffhangers, but Johnson would never do that.
Rec Notes: Johnson's character is one of my absolute favorite things about OMCP and this fic executes him beautifully.

We're a Fight Wating to Happen by
somehowunbroken [OMGCP, Nursey/Dex, PG-13, 8.690 words in 4 works]
Summary: Derek goes down on the ice. Dex takes matters into his own hands, apparently.
Rec Notes: Oh, yes, excellent. <3

.: Rivers of London :.

Team Building by
maple_clef [ROL, Gen, PG, 1.461 words]
Summary: "The coach-house attic has a studio skylight at one end, an ottoman couch, a chaise longue, a plasma TV and an Ikea kitchen table that once took me and Molly three bloody hours to assemble." -- Moon Over Soho, Ben Aaronovitch

Molly and Peter join forces to tackle a recalcitrant IKEA table, and find that friendship really can be born out of shared adversity.
Rec Notes: Really lovely Molly POV and just very nicely done.

Retrieval by
Philomytha [ROL, Gen, PG, 1.146 words]
Summary: When Nightingale took on a new apprentice, he didn't realise he was taking on the dog as well.
Rec Notes: In which irrepressible dogs make quality distractions from the harder aspects of the Folly's work.

Waterloo Sunset by
Philomytha [ROL, Gen, PG-13, 9.055 words]
Summary: This time, the vampires wake up.
Rec Notes: Superb

The Early Bird by
Philomytha [ROL, Gen, PG, 3.190 words]
Summary: The early bird catches the worm. Dr Walid's first meeting with Nightingale.
Rec Notes: As it says - lovely Dr. Walid POV that made me smile.

.: Stargate Atlantis :.

Uncanny Valley by harriet_spy [SGA, Gen, PG-13, 3.377 words]
Summary: Their voices filter through the sedative, an anxious duet.

Kate: "The word the Ancient used for Colonel Sheppard was 'shell.' Now, I've never treated him, but I've observed him for five years, and I've always wondered."

Rodney: "Wondered what?"

Kate: "Didn't he ever seem a little…glib to you? He struck me as having a very weakly integrated personality, composed of traits that would normally be considered contradictory. He was a lot of different things to a lot of different people."

Rec Notes: This is super interesting both in terms of the storyline and in being meta on John's characterization.

.: Stargate SG-1 :.

Practical Rituals by
magickmoons [SG1, Gen, PG, 850 words]
Summary: Daniel enjoys learning about other cultures' rituals. Teal'c enjoys learning about Tau'ri rituals... and putting them into practice.
Rec Notes: Set first season-ish, it's a particularly amusing moment of team bonding. ;)

G is for Gravitational Time Dilation and the Consequences of Special Relativity by
splash_the_cat [SG1, Gen, PG-13, 1.483 words]
Summary: AKA stoics doing emotional H/C. "Unending" episode tag.
Rec Notes: After Unending, Teal'c comes to visit Jack at the cabin. It's a thing I didn't see coming, but once it arrived, it seemed like a thing that should be so obvious, how could I have missed it?? Which is to say this is beautifully done, Jack's POV is sterling, and this is both incisive and poignant. <3

.: Star Trek :.

Spock by
sageness [ST, Gen, PG, 4 images]
Artist's Notes: You have been, and always shall be, my friend. Created in fond memory of Leonard Nimoy, honorary grandfather to so many of us.
Rec Notes: A lovely crocheted Spock doll, with a link to the pattern. <3

.: Teen Wolf :.

[Scott x Stiles] by
scottsjuice [TW, Scott/Stiles, PG, 2 gifs]
Artist's Notes: And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, "Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you."
Rec Notes: The perfect sentiment for the two of them. <3

[Stiles/Derek @ a Diner] by
howlnatural [TW, Stiles/Derek, PG-13, 1.614 words]
Summary: [prompt] "would you consider sterek + #20 things you said that I wasn't meant to hear?"
Rec Notes: Very cute. :) In hindsight, I would have expected it to trip my embarrassment squick, but it didn't, so yay for that, too.

.: Tolkein :.

The Modern Hobbit tag by
damnitfili [The Hobbit, Gen, PG, 11 photosets]
Rec Notes: Currently with Thorin, Bilbo, Ori, Fili, Kili, Tauriel, Thranduil, Dwalin, Balin, Bard, & Bofur. BEAUTIFUL color palattes and really has me craving a good Fili & Kili focused modern AU.

"My preferred pronouns are 'your majesty'" by
falcolnbigbutt [The Hobbit/LotR, Gen, PG-13, 9 still images]
Rec Notes: Another stellar LotR/The Hobbit + Tumblr comments mash-up. :D

[Legolas on Dwarven Ale by
genalovestoons, &
sabenzero [LotR, 3 gifs + 205 words]
Excerpt: my headcanon here is that legolas is just BARELY visibly holding it together since canon tells us that mirkwood elves like to party and are fully capable of passing out from drunk

Rec Notes: Ahahahaha. +1 for the tripping balls theory.

The Naming of Hobbits by
Margo_Kim [The Hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin, PG, 9.756 words]
Summary: There's a certain point where you can no longer ask someone what their name is. Thorin isn't sure exactly when that point is, but he knows that it's probably some time before the person in question saves your life. On the far side of the Misty Mountains, Thorin realizes that he never quite caught the first part of Mr. Baggins' name, and he finds that it's astonishingly harder to learn than he would have thought. Fili, Kili, and Dwalin are no help whatsoever.
Rec Notes: This is hysterical! I've already re-read it once since bookmarking it and it's definitely a keeper.

Smaug the Terrible... Hamster? by
alkjira [The Hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin, PG, 2.390 words]
Summary: Allergic reactions occur when a person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. Symptoms include red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or turning into a hamster.
Rec Notes: Now, see, if it weren't for fandom, how would I get to read things like this? It's cracky ridiculousness that made me laugh and somehow manages to be super sweet at the end. D'awwww.

Crossposted to Dreamwidth. Comment here or there. ♥ Blue :)

lotr, due.south, fannish, omgcheckplease, leverage, vids, avatar.the.last.airbender, guardians.of.the.galaxy, star.trek, miss.fishers.murder.mysteries, art, avengers, recs, fandom, stargate.sg1, meta, highlander, stargate.atlantis, the.hobbit, jupiter.ascending, harry.potter, rivers.of.london, teen.wolf

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