Apparently the weather hasn't broken that long cold trend of the past year since we're currently running 20° below average. This translates to Blue freeeeezing. It doesn't help that this time of year the furnace isn't set-up/turned on yet - we haven't even vacuumed the summer fur accumulation out of the register vents - so, at times, it's colder inside than it will be in the dead of winter. Ugh. I moved the bedroom space heater up front this morning and have it facing me now, so that's helping a bit.
Adding to my lack of ambition ennui is a distinctly unexciting to-do list. I went to purchase apples from the "low spray" orchard last Friday - or, rather, tried to, but they were mostly behind schedule in terms of ripening and/or knocked off by the storm a couple days before, so all I came home with was a bushel of pre-picked, mostly ripe galas. Possibly I will be buying applesauce all winter since by the time the ones still on the trees are ripe, they're liable to be frozen solid. (Note: I realize the windfall apples would be fine for applesauce, but they would be more work and I'm not interested in paying top dollar for them. The orchard will turn them into cider, so they have no incentive to mark them down. If they were my own trees, then they'd already be in jars.) I do have some garlic and basil tomato sauce roasted and ready to be processed, but I was trying to fit a lot of tomatoes into a single roasting pan, so it ended up reduced down to almost paste. Which may be fine, but it's going to be a bit of a pain to get through the food mill (Victorio) and I'm wondering if I didn't roast it to the point where smokiness has turned to burnt. Arrgh. Hopefully not, but I won't know until I get it reheated, separated, and actually taste test it, but I'm procrastinating over the chance of the burnt verdict.
The other things on the to-do list are a long list of items like pay bills, mail jars, and clean off the table. Sigh. I suppose I really do need to mail those jars and if I start something, then it'll be easier to continue (objects in motion...).
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