These past 5 days or so have not gone as planned at all - okay, no, that's hyperbole. I think it was Thursday that the washing machine flooded the hallway and spare room good and proper, which definitely wasn't in the schedule. Friday is kind of fuzzy but it was very hot and obviously the perfect day to roast down tomatoes into sauce for hours and hours at 400°F, but at least the sauce was canned at the end of the day. Saturday was a day trip south to a good friend's wedding and I did make it down and back intact, the weather was entirely serviceable, everything seemed to go well with only the inevitable hiccups (figuratively, not literally), outfit turned out well, no major construction hold-ups, and so on.
Then on Sunday morning I woke up after 6 hours of sleep and accomplished clothes and food in time to accompany D to the flea market, noticing as I put my contacts in that I'd gained what looked like more than half a dozen small pimples around my mouth overnight. Weird, but okay. I was dragging tired, but that could be down to the previous day and lack of sleep, so I didn't think too much of it, and crashed back into bed once we were home again. It ended up taking me a while after I woke back up again to cotton on that it was a food allergy reaction in progress, but more bumps appeared and, while laid out on the couch that afternoon and shivering, it occurred to me that I was feverish and aching all over. I've spent so much time in that condition that it doesn't actually register well to my conscious brain, but when I needed to take a hot bath just to warm up on an 80° day, comprehension finally kicked in. Ohhhhh...
There was only two things I consumed on Saturday (other than fruit), with a total of three components, that I didn't personally read the ingredients list of, but they weren't particularly risky items. The primary suspect is, very ironically, actually the food I took with me to avoid this very thing. This wasn't the first time I've eaten the dinner sausage that might be the problem (that is, it wasn't even the first time I've bought the "Smoked" version by mistake instead of the "Polish" version), but it's highly spiced and lists the umbrella term "seasonings" on the label. I ended up eating about 6 servings in 3 days, so even if there wasn't a lot of the allergen in it, it could have piled up in my system as I kept adding more. In theory.
Basically, I don't know, but I'm not eating the other one in the freezer just in case and next time I (eventually) buy dinner sausage again, I'm making really, really sure it's the "Polish" model, not "Smoked". (Side note: Most dinner sausages outright contain soy, but one local grocery store sells one brand that doesn't. Theoretically. Except, maybe, for that "seasonings" part of the label. Arrrrgh.)
Things that have not happened since last Friday: Cleaning out the greenhouse, picking tomatoes, pulling onions before the rain, first trip to pick up apples, starting canning applesauce, general cleaning, and random functionality.
Things which finally happened an hour ago: dishes. \o/
Things which need to happen in the next couple of hours: package a sold item, take package to post office, return book to library. Both post office and library are only 3 miles away, so this is probably doable. (Everything else is 10 miles away, but the nearest "town" does have those two things.)
Things which would be awesome to manage tonight: laundry, grocery list.
I randomly have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, which needs to be followed by a trip to the grocery store, but I'm definitely improved over how I was feeling even as of this morning, so hopefully that will continue and tomorrow won't feel like trudging uphill both ways. As of right now, there's still a rash around my mouth, my lips feel a bit funny, there's a mild headache, a low grade fever keeps coming and going, and there is random itchiness around my person, but mostly I'm grateful that this a) isn't the sort of thing to send me into anaphylactic shock, and b) didn't kick in until Sunday when I was safely back home. Plus, on the bright side, all this brain dead couch time has resulted in clearing out the pile of unread articles in Newsblur and all the AO3 fic notices/updates in my email that have been accumulating since the start of canning season. (To my Pinboard network: um, apologies.)
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