Thank all that's holy, this weekend is finally over. The 5k went fine Saturday morning - the last mile was run/walk, probably mostly because of the heat and allergies and exciting addition of exhaust fumes to my usual breathing challenges - and I technically took 3rd in my age group, but there were a lot of age groups, so it's not really that exciting. Saturday night involved way too much alcohol and way too little food planning and the expected misery, Sunday my hip was pissed off at me, probably because my whole body was and that was how it was manifesting or possibly it was that hole I stepped in mid-course during the 5k. Plus the allergy pill I couldn't take the night before wasn't helping anything. Sunday evening involved a fall on that same aforementioned hip and subsequent dragging by one arm for about 5 feet along some grass, so yeah. Today the alarm went off early again, this time for the annual Labor Day consignment auction, which I will make a separate post about as I even took pictures this year. Suffice to say it involves 5 auctioneers going simultaneously to auction off 2800+ lots in about 7 1/2 hours. Which does mean 7 1/2 hours almost entirely on my feet in the sunshine, yes. Then at least some of the things needed to be loaded up.
I'm now sunburned, exhausted, sticky, headachey, and sore all over. My hip stiffens up whenever I sit down and aches when I walk on it while my shoulder started to notice late in the afternoon how it was wrenched last night and has since not only kept stiffening up but isn't operating at full strength.
Today or tomorrow is the last day of the data bandwidth billing cycle so I was very glad to sit the hell down, not have to be turning a steering wheel, and veg out over Tumblr for 30 pages. There was food (my food consumption was weird as hell today, but probably involved enough calories at least), but I'm still sunburned, exhausted, sticky, headachey, and sore all over. I desperately need a shower or bath, but either sounds like soooo much effort. I really want to plan on just taking tomorrow off to clear out what feels like way too many open tabs piling up in my browser and the 50 million AO3 fic notices piling up in my email, but at the very least I have to can tomato sauce and beans. And I probably really need to pick beans, too, and maybe more tomatoes. And there's the hamburger in the fridge that needs cooking, theoretically into shepherd's pie, which will mean making mashed potatoes. And, oh right, I have to go get my allergy shot and a hair appointment in the afternoon.
Someone shoot me and put me out of my misery? Wait, I have to update these sales spreadsheets first.
* Harvest runs into/gives way to eBay busy season, which runs through Christmas. I'm really trying to avoid heart palpitations by November this year, but I don't have the greatest track record. Beans will hopefully be done this week and there's a wedding coming up this weekend, but after that I should have a breather. For given values of breather that include the qualification "Autumn Variation".
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