WIPW: Approaching the Finish Line

May 28, 2014 11:01

It’s surprisingly  chilly today in the greater tri-state area. Enough so that I pondered using my lunch break to finish my Artichoke French.  I am currently working on the yolk decreases and am fast approaching the end.  A giant tangle of wool that I can still tote around in the fluctuating weather and wonder if I can get the yolk done enough that I can throw it on on the way home tonight.

The first picture is more for the color of the sweater than anything else. This is looking more and more like a sweater that will be finished in a month. Just in time to start Nerd Wars.  Currently my only issue is that there are an uneven amount of decreases available on either side of the sleeve. I will just work to match them up in the next set of decreases so hopefully that will work out.

Since that photo was taken there have been a couple more inches added to the sweater and I’m getting closer to the point where I can pull it on without dropping a ton of stitches. Not yet though. My new favorite sweater won’t likely get any wear for a while but I for one am amazed at how quick and great a knit this was.

wip, knitting

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