November Etsy Update: Timelords

Nov 22, 2013 13:58

Tomorrow night is the premiere of the 50th anniversary  special.  And I have been doing a lot of Doctor Who crafting. If you follow me on Instagram you likely saw many of the drafts as stitch markers and the final set Weds. night.

As I mentioned most of these are for a special order, but that did not keep me from making more doctor and companion related items, for the shop. And a few things that just needed restocking.

Earrings: Second Doctor,  Classic Sonic Screwdriver (Third Doctor), Fifth Doctor,  Sixth Doctor, Eighth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Dr. Martha Jones,  and Jurassic Park because why not?




Stitch Markers: Dr. Martha Jones , Ninth Doctor


Items Restocked:


So take a gander at the shop update.  The goal is to have another before the Christmas shipping window closes. We’ll see.



beads, etsy, craft

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