The Differences in Type

Nov 21, 2013 12:21

When I make earrings and stitch markers based on characters I tend to make slight adjustments to each version.  If I make Batman stitch Markers and Batman earrings, you will be able to tell the designs are related, but not always exactly the same. As I work my way through eleven sets of stitch markers, I have also been trying to work on 11 pairs of earrings, for the doctors. Some are harder to translate than others. Some don’t change at all, and some change just enough to make me smile.

Here we have all eleven doctors as a representative stitch marker.  One through seven across the top and eight through eleven on the bottom.  some are perfectly suited to be earrings.  Three is actually a pair of earrings in exactly the same same style.  Eleven already has earrings in the shop, but I think otherwise I wouldn’t change a thing.

The Sixth doctor and the fifth both had beads that while similar to what the stitch marker was, was made a little bit brighter for the  earrings.  Side by side, its easy to see how these go together. And I think that a person can enjoy both.

I really like the Sixth doctor stitch marker and the earring. Using crystal beads on the earring, gave me a great effect, and I think represent the colors of the doctor’s wardrobe and umbrella from that era really well.  It was bright guys. Though in an amusing contrast the fourth doctor into an earring is giving me the most difficulty.  I took forever to settle on beads for the stitch  marker, and while I like what finally came together it doesn’t seem like an earring to me.  Crafty problems.

I’ll  keep working on it I guess.



beads, geekery, etsy, craft

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