You Have Your Mother’s Eyes

Nov 26, 2013 12:34

I have no idea if I do or not. but we all know Harry does. Why is this relevant? I have finished the leg on my dad’s socks and I had an attack of what if they are too big. They are too big. Of course they are too big. Why? I have my dad’s legs. They are great legs, if he was a different person I’m sure he would look killer in a pair of heels (I have never seen my dad in a pair of jeans because ‘those are for kids’).  And we have skinny calves. To the point that I love lace up boots so I can tighten them all the way and they will only be slightly loose.

So after an afternoon of panic, and a failed attempt to go see him (the post office had a line one tends to see April 15 or the last two weeks of Dec). I tried the sock on my own foot. It was loose, but nothing that wouldn’t fit man much larger than I was.  Small holiday panic averted. Yes I will be seeing my dad Thursday to confirm. But that would have been a few knitting days lost. I still have another sock to make.

Does anyone else have tales of knitwear panic? Or maybe you know who gave you your knees?



wip, knitting

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