Urgent Plea for Help

Apr 25, 2011 21:58

My dog Piper went into the hospital yesterday. It turns out she has a tumor in her bladder, which will require a biopsy and either a stint (forcing a passageway to her urethra) or chemotherapy. There are pros and cons to both forms of treatment, but we have time to plan as she is not fully obstructed. In the meantime, she's still in Critical Care and battling fever and infection. And it's getting really expensive. We need some help.

I think you all know how I feel about the Pipester. She's my baby girl. We adopted her in 2002 and she still greets me at the door when I come home, and runs to the window to see me leave. She's a total chow-hound and fluffer-nutter, and is my little sweet potato.

I'm going to open up a new LJ for donations for Piper's medical care, and in exchange, I will send you baked goods: vegan cupcakes, gluten-free brownies, M&M cookies, scones or cinnamon buns. You can start now while I get the other site up and running, I have PayPal (bluefjords at gmail dot com). Just send me an address in the continental U.S. and I will send nom-worthy treats to you or whoever you desire. A dozen cupcakes, a dozen cookies, whatever, for whatever you're willing to donate.

"Hi! I'm Piper and I like watching my mommy bake, in case she drops anything."

Scones!! Gluten-free brownies!!

Cinnamon buns!! M&M cookies!!

Vegan cupcakes!!

Thank you all for your well wishes. I'll keep you posted about the state of the Piper!

ETA: Piper passed away at 4:45 this morning after her tumor ruptured. Info here.

family, cupcakes, pics, doggies

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