Piper Passed Away

Apr 26, 2011 06:11

The tumor in Piper's bladder ruptured this morning and spread an infection through her bloodstream. They called us at about 3:30 and we went over there and got to say our goodbyes.

I'll make a more coherent post later. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers and hugs and support. It's really meant a lot to me these past couple days. Since we don't need biopsy & chemotherapy/stint funding anymore and if you made a donation for that, please email me and let me know if you'd like your donation to go to an animal shelter instead of her current hospital bill. (I have no tactful way of talking about this on two hours of sleep and a lot of heartbreak, so please forgive me if I sound gauche.)

We were really optimistic about her chances yesterday. She was one of the lucky ones, b/c her tumor wasn't blocking anything and we had options for treatment. She always took a licking and kept on ticking.

At any rate. Thanks for your support. Wanted to let you know. Will do a post to celebrate her life later that will be open to comments.


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