Massive Updates on Everything!!

Apr 23, 2011 15:42

Peeps! Prepare yourself for a rambling post filled w/, um, stuff! Cupcakes, my dog Piper, soliciting advice on a new phone, and, of course, writing & SPN. Will the excitement ever end? No. No, it will not.

I talked to a couple of peeps in local government this week about selling my cupcakes. I applied for a Health Dept License, which I need before I can register to sell at a Farmer's Market. Not sure how long it takes, but as I sent it in on Friday and they've already taken the money from my account, I'm guessing not long. The lady in charge of registration said she doesn't have any other vegan bakers for my farmer's market, so fingers crossed they want me. I have no idea how it works in regards to availability, etc. I've sent her an email w/ lots of questions. The registration fee is for the entire season. I'll be talking to her again on Monday. In the meantime, feast your eyes on these:

Vegan Kahlua Cupcakes. Nom, nom, nom.

I don't know what's up w/ the Pipester. She pisses the carpet all the time -- kind of. She has a thyroid condition, and the doc adjusted her meds so we thought that would help. We started taking her out automatically for an extra pee-time after human dinner, and that has helped, but she still wets the carpet a whole lot. Today we were watching last night's "Fringe" and she just went into the dining room and let loose, w/out even telling us she had to go. Last week she peed the second I left for the grocery store, w/ M standing just a few feet away. She has no fear! And no remorse! The handful of times Milo has had accidents, he's been covered in shame. Piper treats hers as lessons to us. She's in charge, yo! Part of it could just be that she's getting old. She's 13.5. That's pretty old. I don't know; I worry.

In happier news, M got me a phone-thing. It's a Dell Streak, which is a tablet. Yeah. I have ZERO idea what that is or what it does or why it's special. NONE. Have been looking online, and I still don't really get it. I do need to get a plan for it, though. Does anyone have one and/or know anything about this sort of shit? I am an utter Luddite. I have no phone number to transfer over. I just want to be able to call, text, use Twitter and the photo thing for Twitter and check my email. I don't want my phone to drive a car for me or anything. I'm leaning towards a month-by-month jobbie so I can change my mind depending on how much I wind up using it, and I don't need a background check.

It's been awhile since I've dipped my toe in the porny stuff. I've dipped three toes the past couple days. There's the deancaskink, which has loads of prompts and fills, and obstinatrix has a spn/cw rpf femslash and het fic meme w/ loads of prompts and fills. For Dean/Cas, I did a dirty talk prompt here as an anon, and a Dean/Cas AU "crap, the dude I had anon sex w/ is now my boss" fill here. And at the fem one, I did a Jared/Gen one that's an ode to cunnilingus, pretty much here. And now back to writing the Dean/Cas cop/Homeland Security AU of Doom!!!!!!

I loved SPN. :) Dean in his cowboy gear, BAMF Cas, hurt Cas, Cas finally getting a hug, Cas leaking angel essence (I have him leaking angel essence in the second SPN fic I ever wrote, way back in January of 2010, so I was super excited to see that happen in canon!), Cas's moral dilemma, Sam w/ Samuel Colt, Sam riding a horse, the diseased-mouth prostitute, all the pop cult references, and did I mention Dean in cowboy gear? OMG. Sooooooo hot. I loved it so much, and I loved that it was fun and enjoyable while totally and completely advancing the plot. For all the characters. &hearts to SPN. Ampersand my heart, baby!

Not so much w/ the Bones. Bones is our feel-good show in the blue household (despite the murders, lol) and Thursday's episode was meant to launch a potential new series for next year. These sorts of episodes are usually rather clunky, but this one was written w/ all the subtlety of a jackhammer. I was actually embarrassed for it. Mostly I was embarrassed for Saffron Burrows, who had to de-posh her accent and wear skimpy clothes and had NO IDEA what to do w/ her body or her hair. It was like they were foreign objects to her. I had no idea what was going on. Granted, I have seen her in maybe one thing before this, but she didn't strike me as being a bad actress. Here, she was approaching Natalie-Portman-in-Phantom-Menace levels. It didn't help that I also didn't give a rat's ass for the dude they were selling as the main character for this spin-off. Waaaaay too much "tell" exposition about his issues, and who everyone else was in relation to him. Plus, "The Finder" is a shitty name for a series.

Wow, that was way more vitriolic than I expected! I guess b/c I love the happy camaraderie of watching an ep of Bones, and that thing was not it. And they could potentially fix these problems. I will keep an ear to the ground and see what is said about it, b/c it's the kind of mindless crime-solving show I like, as opposed to all the shows w/ the initials and the colons.

And now I'm going to mosey off to write. Write like the wind, Bullseye!

rpf: jared/gen, supernatural, writing, meme, cupcakes, spn: dean/castiel, doggies

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