Ramblings on Motivation

Apr 17, 2011 20:25

Hey, peeps. Feels like it's been awhile. How's tricks? It's spring where I live, and I have a feeling several of us are having a little Spring Fever. Only it's Motivation Fever, aka "the fever by which it is difficult to finish anything." Well, I am DETERMINED to finish this fic I've been writing since February 2010, and I could use a little motivation. I think I am not alone in this. So this here is the Motivation Post. Stop by for a little motivation! For example:

"Hey, kids! It's taken me almost six years to finish a story, and I'm still not done yet! You can totes do it!!"

1. Write your story, and you can join the FBI.

Say it w/ me, folks, "F. B. I."

2. Write your story, and you can get cake!

Astrid will let you have her hat.

3. Write your story, and you can go for a wild ride!

Go on, slap Shawn on the ass! Yeah, baby!

4. Write your story, or GET BURNED ALIVE!!!

Just kidding. The Power Rangers always escape. You can, too!

5. Write your story, and your heart WILL go on!

Besides being one of the finest actresses of our time, Kate Winslet also has very nice boobs.

6. Write your story, and revel in your dignity!

Climb on your best friend's back and play that fiddle. Totally not a euphemism!

7. Write your story, then you can take a nap in this bed!

"Nap" -- yeah, I don't think you'll actually be napping.

8. Write your story, and maybe Jensen will give you a doofy grin.

Awww. I want a doofy grin. I think I better go finish writing!!
(ETA: I totally forgot to credit this pic. It's from janie_tangerine, who was lucky enough to be there for this Con. And then she shared pics b/c she's awesome.)

misha is a wild and crazy guy, asoiaf, pics, jensen makes me happy

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