First we'll take Manhattan, then we'll take Berlin!

Oct 01, 2010 13:47

I am on the bus! Going to NYC to paint the town red w/ qthelights. It WILL be fun!!! I know this b/c what is playing RIGHT NOW? If you said John Barrowman singing "I Happen to Like New York" you would be right!!!! And Nick, who is German, is going to see John Barrowman in just a few minutes, and Berlin is in Germany, and taht is tied into the Leonard Cohen song from which I took this title! See? SEE?! Do you see how everything is connected? (Pssss, amand_r, I keep that postcard w/ the dude w/ the sign about everything being connected in my computer bag. It's a good luck charm and I travel w/ it to remind myself! Okay, now I sound a mite odd, but whatevs, peeps! I'm typing w/out being able to see the screen b/c I'm on a bus and there's this dude trying to sleep in my lap as I write this. Awww, I've made a new friend! I should introduce him to my bronchitis! My bronchitis is almost gone; I'll need a buddy to replace it.)

Anyhow! Port Authority or bust! And tomorrow, we hit Little Italy, where my favorite coworker S used to buy her mom fake perfume for Christmas every year! If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is!

travel, mandr is awesomesauce, q is a rock star, nick loves jb, flist

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