I have a dinosaur, and his name is Bronchitis.

Sep 24, 2010 10:08

Peeps, I'm still sick! I was a little better, and then I was sick again. I even went to a doctor, as spurred on by amand_r. This means I am very sick as I tend to avoid doctors like the plague. (Plus, I do shit when amand_r tells me to.) Now I have lots of meds. And a new inhaler! (Am asthmatic.) So that's coolio. Only thing is, I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO WRITE OR BETA SINCE I GOT SICK. I just can't concentrate, yo. And I really want to do both those things, so it's rather pissing me off. I have managed to write down some ideas for my "Torchwood Female Characters Are Awesome Ficathon" thingy and look over a short piece for misswinterhill. That's it! In a week! WOE!!!!!!

But speaking of which, go check out Four Times Ianto Noticed Something, and One Time He Didn't, which was written as part of retconbookwrite for today's Birthday Girl, topgeargirl2! Happy, happy birthday, TGG2!

Also today, SPN comes back!!! This is of interest to me. :D Though I won't get my Misha fix for another two weeks. ARGH!!!! I need my manpain of epic proportions alleviated w/ a large helping of angel. Still, I have missed my boys. Am excited to see what happens this season!

So, um, that's it! One Piper pic, then a nap:

birthday, supernatural, misha is a wild and crazy guy, mandr makes me do shit, flist, jenny = love, doggies

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