First we'll take Manhattan, then we'll take Berlin!

Oct 01, 2010 13:47

I am on the bus! Going to NYC to paint the town red w/ qthelights. It WILL be fun!!! I know this b/c what is playing RIGHT NOW? If you said John Barrowman singing "I Happen to Like New York" you would be right!!!! And Nick, who is German, is going to see John Barrowman in just a few minutes, and Berlin is in Germany, and taht is tied into the Leonard ( Read more... )

travel, mandr is awesomesauce, q is a rock star, nick loves jb, flist

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Comments 22

valancy_joy October 1 2010, 17:50:34 UTC
HEY! ENJOY! I love weekends in New York (okay to be fair I've never had more than one day...)



blue_fjords October 3 2010, 16:27:08 UTC
I am now LEAVING the Big Apple, and it is indeed a lovely shade of blue at the moment. We had brekkies in this English tea shop before I left this morning. Mmmmm, grilled tomatoes...


hab318princess October 1 2010, 17:58:21 UTC
I love that song... actually I love the whole album and one day I'd love to see New York for real and not just on the telly


blue_fjords October 3 2010, 16:28:39 UTC
I admit to not being the biggest fan of NYC, but it was nice to go to places I hadn't seen before, and I really wanted to see Ground Zero. So we did!


dremiel October 1 2010, 17:59:25 UTC
Clearly, you are the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!


blue_fjords October 3 2010, 16:30:27 UTC
That's right! See, it's so obvious to me, that I don't bother mentioning it...


taffimai October 1 2010, 18:22:56 UTC
I am jealous of people who get to go to New York or see John Barrowman.


blue_fjords October 3 2010, 16:32:36 UTC
I told NYC hi for you. It said yo back.


pocky_slash October 1 2010, 19:09:32 UTC
Everyone is conspiring to make me homesick today!

HAVE FUN, BB! Don't let the rain stop your shenanigans!


blue_fjords October 3 2010, 16:33:52 UTC
We had a very sunny day yesterday! The weather was perfect.

And I ate a second cannoli in honor of you.


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