FIC-let: Smell the Color Nine

May 03, 2010 15:04

Title: Smell the Color Nine
Author: blue_fjords
Rating: PG
Characters: Scooter. Also, Ianto, JJ, Myfanwy, Jack and Gwen.
Disclaimer: Scooter created by amand_r and cruentum. This 'verse belongs to tw_itallchanges.
Words: under 500
Notes: I loved the alien in the fifth episode of the Virtual Series. So here's what I imagined it was like during its life. Title taken from song of the same name by Chris Rice. Thanks to amand_r, cruentum, paragraphs and misswinterhill to looking over for me.

And then there was space to be discovered, explored, experienced. Feelings flowed into it, impressions of wonder and curiosity and sadness and slight trepidation. It drank them all in, pulling them in as it flitted around the space, the enormous space to hold so many thoughts and memories and dreams. It spun and leapt in the air, its long tail trailing behind it, trailing joy and peace and playfulness.

Over here was a being of excitement and ambition and eagerness to see-touch-know, and it wrapped itself around him, reveling in the touch of another creature new to this place. And over there was a being of contained anger and desire and quick thoughts, quick plans, but for it, for it he remembered he was still young, still felt moments of childlike wonder, still expressed affection, and would never be able to stop. And up, up, up in the space was a being of freedom and yearning and loss, a being as out of place but welcome in this space as it.

It swooped down, sparkling, always sparkling, always spreading what was needed. There were two more beings, possibly three, inhabiting this space, and those were only the ones still living. The ghosts, the incorporeal memories of laughter and tears and terror and want, flowed after it, rising up behind it, calling out with voices that needed no mouths and spoke no words. “Feel this, know this, take this, remember this, help this,” and it did, diving after balls of silver sparks and leaping through hoops of light.

It approached the next being, full of protectiveness and remorse and love, and felt time expanding around it, stretching and growing and rolling out into the future, into the past, always more, always there. It was fascinated, enraptured, blessed to feel this. Next to him, the strange being with two heartbeats looked into it, and it understood. Maternity and empathy and the constant tug-of-war between patience and impatience, facts and feelings, rolled off her in waves that would overwhelm any other being, as she was overwhelmed. It took them all, feasting in the touch of disparate minds and pulsing life. Sparkles filled the air, gifts for it from the beings in the space, and it danced from one to the other, adding its own sparkles, its entirety suffused with the warmth directed at it from these beings.

The weight of the history of the space didn’t slow it down, the presence of all the emotions and needs of the spirits did not hem it in; rather, it completed its natural cycle, its intended purpose. It grew heavier with the absorption of feeling and the completion of its mission. To make a place, at least for a few moments, better.

And then it was gone.

tw: team, vs, fic

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