Good golly, Miss Molly. So
kel_reiley and I started episode 11 of the Virtual Season last fall. That's a long time ago. Cue writer's block and general chaos. But FINALLY, FINALLY it is all done and posted!!!!! kel is the best partner, and queen of IDEARS. Awesome to work w/ her on this. I can now cross timey-wimey episode off my list. And leading off a story w/ "It was a dark and stormy night," which I was hell-bent on doing. Massive amounts of thanks to
mad_jaks and
neifile7 for the beta, and
cruentum and
misswinterhill for the cheerleading. Also, you guys, be watching for some kick-ass ephemera. And I really, really need to thank
xtricks for spearheading the whole shebang, and
neifile7 again for awesomeness.
It's about the past. Or the future. And family and secrets and identity and "Princess Bride" & "Casablanca" references and fuzzy exploding aliens. And stories and story-telling. And I hope it's fun.