Nashville and the Gulf -- One-Woman Charity Auction Fic Thingy!!

May 06, 2010 23:40

"The world is full of wonderful things." Yeah it is. And very recently we've had floods and oil spills, destroying so many beautiful places and creatures, not to mention lives and livelihoods, in the Nashville area and the Gulf of Mexico. And I want to do something about it!

I'm starting a one woman show!!!!!!!!!!! You want to join, yes? Make it "Lotsa Peeps Helping" (or something w/ a better title). This is what it's for: donate to SAVE NASHVILLE or SAVE THE GULF (not actual names), and I will write you fic!!!!! It's like help_haiti, only unorganized and just on my LJ at the mo. I am offering three things for bidding:

a) fic of at least 1000 words, Torchwood characters (canon-compliant or AU)
b) fic of at least 1000 words, Supernatural characters (also canon-compliant or AU) -- heh, should probably stipulate that I don't write Sam/Dean but do write Dean/Cas
c) the ending chapters of "The carriage held but just ourselves" (Torchwood WIP that I've been trying to finish for eons -- charity and motivation to finish in one fell swoop!)

and special bonus:

d) the end of "Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones" -- complete romance novel printed, bound, w/ my version of ephemera which isn't half as cool as an actual artist's ephemera, but still, it's bound, baby. Please to note: it's not actually FINISHED yet, so you won't be getting it next week. But I'm thinking there's no motivation like charity and imma gonna finish this puppy and send to someone all pretty!

If you bid on something, please say the letter and what you'll donate. This is an auction, so the highest bid per letter wins that letter. Send me the thingy from wherever you donate to that says "you donated, thanks" and I will supply the letter, via LJ post for the first three, and LJ and snail mail for d! (The idea here is that I will do each of these things, but you only bid on the one you want.)

So if you want to do an auction on your LJ, too, let me know and I'll link them all here! Continual updates! :)

ETA: kel_reiley the awesome has a post here!!

I am planning to close the bidding on next Friday, May 14th, at midnight EST. Hopefully people bid on things. I'm totally going to donate even if no one bids on nada!

Speaking of donating!!! Here are some awesome organizations doing awesome work!

The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee -- they have lotsa links to specific funds for various communities.
Middle Tennessee Red Cross -- long-term flood relief.

The Gulf:
Humane Society of the United States -- mainly to care for oiled wildlife once the spill reaches the shore and/or birds, marine life in the Gulf reach the shore (spill has reached islands off coast of Louisiana and the first little bit of it has now reached the shore).
Audobon -- birds! For this spill and beyond.

There are lots of other places! So yay, let's be pro-active of a sort and do something for these areas! Remember, let me know if you want to do one, too, and I'll add you to this post.

soap box, fic

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