Massive Update! Includes a MEME! Holy crap!

Mar 05, 2010 23:28

Dudicals. It’s been awhile. It is high time for an update, yes? Or no, you can ignore. This is wicked long, so I am breaking it into chunks. There’s polls (hopefully)! There’s pictures (well, one)! There’s links! STOP THE MADNESS!

Five Questions Meme )

writing, meme

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Comments 26

temporal_witch March 6 2010, 04:40:51 UTC
O HAI! Damn, I've missed you! I'm glad you survived the snowpocalypse and are baking. (And now I'm hungry for nommy cookies. ☺)

I'll play the Questions game - why not, eh? The reel_tw fic is blistering along like mad (kinda worries me a little - nothing has ever written as fast as this mofo is writing). Bring. It. ONNNN!


blue_fjords March 6 2010, 05:18:49 UTC
Dude, you're doing "Far and Away"? Epic romance! Carry on ( ... )


temporal_witch March 6 2010, 17:24:03 UTC
"Far and Away" was the only thing I could think of that grabbed my interest firmly enough to want to commit to writing it. The only other one I might've attempted was 'Total Recall', but I don't have a copy of it, and I'm not sure how well Gwen would work with three boobies. (Suzie, maybe... :D)

It is epic, and it's romantic (and I am a closet sop), and it's a great story. It's fun to take that story and its plot and rework it with the Whoverse peeps peopling it and Our Beautiful Boys in the leading roles. It's challenging, too, and that's part of why I chose it; I have to keep them IC while maintaining the original characters' conflicts. The subtle undercurrent of UST is being amazing to write, because J/I in the TW 'verse are not exactly hiding it, even if they're not exactly advertising it.

The bastard's topped 10k words in less than a week of writing. Oy vey. O.oAnd... it's in SPACE. :D ( ... )


blue_fjords March 7 2010, 00:53:12 UTC
What a cool scene! Yay, Owen! That was a really fine moment for him. Good choice!

Oh, wow, your Far & Away is in space! That sounds awesome. Best of luck w/ your writing! I'm glad it's going so well. :)

(And yeah, MCC is great! I really like her.)


thrace_adams March 6 2010, 05:21:02 UTC
YAY for baking!!! Sounds yummy. I voted for the tomato stuff because I love tomatoes :)

YAY for a writing update looking forward to those fics ;)

I haven't watched Being Human yet, but I have it :)

Nice to see you back around!


blue_fjords March 6 2010, 16:46:49 UTC
I am totally making one of those tomato ones! I love tomatoes, too. We need to get together soon, and I shall cook. Yes? DC confab?

Being Human is in the queue! B/c it's awesome. And I am writing a lot this weekend. Writing like a mofo! Or a writer. :)


lone_star_woman March 6 2010, 08:14:15 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad that I'm not the only one freaking out about Sayid on Lost. And Claire. I was hoping to see more of Dogen (sp?). I thought he was interesting, but alas... And a Sun and Jin reunion? Yes, please.

Hmm... I am intrigued by the comment about Being Human. I haven't watched it yet. Should I be worried?

I am looking forward to reading the conclusions to your AUs. I've missed them.

And the questions game sounds fun.


blue_fjords March 6 2010, 16:58:36 UTC
Oh, I don't think you should be worried about Being Human! I had just psyched myself out. I think it will be coolio ( ... )


lone_star_woman March 7 2010, 01:20:36 UTC
Yes, Dogen was the Temple dude. He was also nice eye candy.

Claire's been creeping me out

I know!! Has she forgotten that she left her baby with Sawyer, or does she even know what happened?


1. First, please be explaining your icon. It is very intriguing and I do not recognize what it is from.

That is Fish Out of Water from the movie Chicken Little. He surives on land by wearing one of those old-timey diver's helmet full of water. However, it does make him difficult to understand.

I adore him because he's that weird, creative kid. My favorite Fish Out Of Water moment is when he builds a fairly large model of the Empire State Building and re-enacted a scene from King Kong complete with paper airplanes. (It was gym class. He was bored.)

What can I say? The little guy spoke to me.

2. What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?Ice Dancing cuz it's pretty. I am so not a sports person, but I can watch people dance for days. And ooh, look at the costumes, except for that Russian couple, because WTF? And Go Canada ( ... )


blue_fjords March 7 2010, 04:41:34 UTC
Ah, I have not seen that Disney movie! I think that's one of the few I haven't seen. I should rectify that.

And I love your response to the train question! Right on! Heh, Fabio choosing a healthy main course... and bunk beds FTW!

Thanks for taking the time to answer! You're beauty and you're grace, you're Miss United States (yes, I do like the movie "Miss Congeniality" -- it's my secret downfall).


amand_r March 6 2010, 15:59:41 UTC

I am so behind on Psych I don't think I can even catch up with Hulu, since they only steam the most recent 3. I shall have to troll the murky waters of megavideo.




blue_fjords March 6 2010, 16:44:04 UTC
You sent me AWESOME recipes! Everything in the "Cooking Weekend" poll and the chocolate chip zucchini cupcakes recipe. Which, by the way, I'm making regardless of its low vote count b/c M and I both voted for them. So ( ... )


amand_r March 7 2010, 04:38:31 UTC
i will get on this for monday!


kel_reiley March 6 2010, 17:57:55 UTC
1. no giraffes ( ... )


blue_fjords March 6 2010, 18:22:04 UTC
That is an AWESOME icon!!!! Oh, Rhys!!

You know, giraffes are pretty cool. I like them. They can be invited to my menagerie. The M&M cookies are very much like chocolate chip cookies, only even better b/c of all the chocolate I put in them. I have been making them since college. They are famous amongst my friends. And I love them soooooo much!

You've actually SEEN "The Station Agent"? I have not met many people who have. And it's awesome, yeah? Peter Dinklage FTW! And that Rory dude was the YARPer? Oh, boy. Well, the Hound's rather big.

Yeah the Lost AU is waaaaay AU for that kid to be there. And the kid looked so much like him. But I still hate Jack.

As for Supernatural -- I really didn't like the Dean character on Gilmore Girls, so I was happy to have a new Dean to replace the memory of Jared's Dean. Plus, I have to admit, late 20s/early 30s Jensen Ackles is really, really attractive to me and teen Jared Padalecki was not, so Jensen's Dean is my Dean.

Am totally VS-ing this weekend! Yay, baby! We shall


kel_reiley March 6 2010, 19:21:15 UTC
i've made peanut butter cookies and put M&Ms in them - tasty!

i am (was) such an indie-film geek - i used to drive up to royal oak (north det. 'burbs) to the art theatre to see movies all the time (they changed owners and don't play as many that i'm interested in anymore - not as obscure, more 'just outside mainstream' types now) and now i don't have money to rent so i don't get to watch as many these days, but i saw that one in the theatre and we have it on video (YES VHS!) somewhere

i was never a big gilmore girls' dean fan - it's just weird seeing him and not thinking of him as the 'dean' character

VS: i have the one scene in my head, i just need to sit my ass down and be able to concentrate long enough to actually write it out


blue_fjords March 7 2010, 00:31:12 UTC
those cookies sound AH-maaaaaazing!!!!

VHS? wowzers. i do have it on DVD.

okay, totally doing some VS work as soon as humanly possible.


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