Massive Update! Includes a MEME! Holy crap!

Mar 05, 2010 23:28

Dudicals. It’s been awhile. It is high time for an update, yes? Or no, you can ignore. This is wicked long, so I am breaking it into chunks. There’s polls (hopefully)! There’s pictures (well, one)! There’s links! STOP THE MADNESS!

Five Questions Meme )

writing, meme

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lone_star_woman March 7 2010, 01:20:36 UTC
Yes, Dogen was the Temple dude. He was also nice eye candy.

Claire's been creeping me out

I know!! Has she forgotten that she left her baby with Sawyer, or does she even know what happened?


1. First, please be explaining your icon. It is very intriguing and I do not recognize what it is from.

That is Fish Out of Water from the movie Chicken Little. He surives on land by wearing one of those old-timey diver's helmet full of water. However, it does make him difficult to understand.

I adore him because he's that weird, creative kid. My favorite Fish Out Of Water moment is when he builds a fairly large model of the Empire State Building and re-enacted a scene from King Kong complete with paper airplanes. (It was gym class. He was bored.)

What can I say? The little guy spoke to me.

2. What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?

Ice Dancing cuz it's pretty. I am so not a sports person, but I can watch people dance for days. And ooh, look at the costumes, except for that Russian couple, because WTF? And Go Canada! Loved Virtue and Moir.

3. You're on a train in an alternate reality with Alfred Hitchcock, Fabio, and a dude from Blue Man Group. What are the sleeping arrangements in your sleeper car? Who orders dinner from the dining car and what do they get for you all?

Gosh, how many bunks are we talking about? If there are four, I'd like one of the top bunks opposite from the dude from the Blue Man Group. I think it would be fun to toss notes to each other across the hallway. I'd sleep over Alfred Hitchcock because I'd wonder if the man talks in his sleep and what sort of things he'd say.

As for our meal, Blue Man orders the pre-meal cocktails. I have a fantasy that he'd order something fun and flamey. Hitchcock orders appetizers -- something savory and possibly bad for us. I'd let Fabio order the entree. He's rather healthy, right? Maybe he'd order a lean protien with a green, leafy salad. I keep telling myself that I need to eat better, but shamefully, it never happens. I need to be pushed in that direction. Though I'd probably do something like order cheesecake as dessert.

4. You've just won Miss Congeniality in the Miss Texas pageant! What's in your acceptance speech?

Seriously, dudes, what were you smoking? I mean, we have met, right? Because if we have, you'd know I'm actually shy and very introverted.

I mean, it's cool if you think I'm congenial and all, but surely there's someone else who deserves the award more than I do. If there isn't, what is this world coming to? Scary thought. Well, I try not be bitchy, but it takes work for me to sociable. And sometimes, I do come off as sarcastic and cranky.

Anyway, I should just stop talking, say thanks and stand over there, right?

OMG, do I get a shiny tiara? Awesome! (Then, I'd jump up and down like a five-year-old girl while the other contestants look at me funny and wonder what the hell I'm doing in their company.)

5. You run into Ianto on the street in the early 2000's. What do you say to him?

"When you are meeting creatures who live in noxious gas, dress appropriately. HAZMAT suits may be cumbersome, but they do save lives."

He will have no idea what I am talking about, but I'm willing to take my chances that an opener like that will be memorable.

I'd also ask him where's the best place to get coffee. He'd know, wouldn't he?


I hope that I've answered these questions to your satisfaction. This was fun. Thank you.


blue_fjords March 7 2010, 04:41:34 UTC
Ah, I have not seen that Disney movie! I think that's one of the few I haven't seen. I should rectify that.

And I love your response to the train question! Right on! Heh, Fabio choosing a healthy main course... and bunk beds FTW!

Thanks for taking the time to answer! You're beauty and you're grace, you're Miss United States (yes, I do like the movie "Miss Congeniality" -- it's my secret downfall).


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