Massive Update! Includes a MEME! Holy crap!

Mar 05, 2010 23:28

Dudicals. It’s been awhile. It is high time for an update, yes? Or no, you can ignore. This is wicked long, so I am breaking it into chunks. There’s polls (hopefully)! There’s pictures (well, one)! There’s links! STOP THE MADNESS!

First off, after the Snowpocalypse and before I got wicked sick, neifile7 asked me five questions in the, fittingly enough, Five Questions Meme. So here are my answers! Let me know if you want me to ask you five questions, and I surely will.

1. What would your ideal menagerie look like, had you all the space and feed allowance you needed?
Okay. More dogs, like at least a really big one and a pug. Some mutts. I think Willow will remain the only cat, though. She’s a Queen. But if she found another cat or two, they’d be more than welcome. Baby spider monkeys. Seals. Wolves. Um, horses, including a dappled gray. A goat. I really like goats. I would definitely need a farm. You know what other animal I really like? Hippos. Since this is a dream menagerie, I decree I shall have a hippo family, too.

2. When not ministering to the cupcake lust of the masses, what do you most like cooking/baking for yourself?
M&M cookies are a favorite! I chop up actual M&M’s instead of using the baking ones, and include chocolate chips and shaved dark chocolate. Also like making Chinese food. Basically, anything I haven’t made before that I ate in a restaurant and went “Hmmmm.” Also, I get a lot of ideas from whatever book I’m reading or story I’m writing (like my apple pie kick, the chicken tikka masala, fufu).

3. Are you ever going to watch Doctor Who so we can get awesome Donna fic out of you? (I'll take Martha too, obvs.)
I did actually watch the first two Jack episodes of DW w/ taffimai. And I have to admit I liked them. Will be inviting myself over to her house to watch more. Jack was just so damn dreamy! No wonder people liked him.

4. Boxers or briefs? ("Thong" is an acceptable answer. Just propound a little.)
I think boxers are more aesthetically pleasing b/c they leave things to the imagination. I don’t want to see outlines as a very general rule. The outlines thing does relate back to a traumatic experience from when I went to Cancun and there were all these old men in speedos just walking around. Huge red guts overhanging itty bitty turquoise speedos. Totally turned me off the brief design. Briefs to me seem so much more intimate than boxers. So then in certain cases, briefs are actually preferred. But in general, if some random dude is walking around in his undies or it’s an underwear model in a magazine, I’d prefer the boxers. Also, I am a prude and not ashamed to admit it. My imagination can supply the bulge; I don’t need to see the outline. Unless I’ve asked.

5. What do you most want to do with your writing that you haven't done yet?
Probably original fiction. I have several ideas, but I haven’t pursued any of them yet. I still have all these fandom ideas I want to write and learn from. But I think at some point, I will try the original story. I get close to it w/ AUs; probably one reason why I like them so much. It’s all about creating the time, too, and I haven’t motivated myself to do that yet. But I think I will, at some point.

Thanks for those, Anya! If anyone wants questions, say so in your comment!

That was invigorating! Time to move onto writing updates. I am still hard at work on the Virtual Season. Y’all should check it out! Kel and I are busting our asses to finish our episode, plus next week’s episode is one I worked on. Read the blurb here! Also doing some ephemera. Woo hoo! In other projects, I still have two WIPs to finish for TW, including the interminable “Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones,” which I still love, no matter how often I stray. I have two big scenes, maybe three, to go, then the Epilogue. The other WIP is “The carriage held but just ourselves” and that puppy will also be concluded. I just need to get it down. Poor beastie is still suffering from the death of my USB stick this fall.

And in other writing projects, I’ve started doing some “Supernatural” fics (well, one, Wrestling). This show is pretty boys fighting evil, you guys! I’ve actually, uh, watched the show since it debuted and been a total Dean Girl for years, but I have never participated in the fandom. Well, I signed up for an anonymous fic exchange. That will be posted soon. And I’m, um, writing a sooper sekrit project in that fandom, too. It’s getting to be quite long. But if you like my AUs, maybe you’ll like this project. I don’t know; if you hate “Supernatural” you may run screaming. But I’m enjoying it. It’s Dean/Castiel, by the way - Wincest has been my reason for not touching Supernatural fandom for years. That hasn’t changed, but now that there’s a hot angel, there’s a place for my fangirl heart to reside and a ship I love, so yay! I also signed up for the dashing smirnoffmule’s dark_fest and will be doing a “Supernatural” fic - this one starring the ladies. Ellen and Jo need some love. Or, well, horror, as it’s dark_fest.

Finally on writing, Children of Time is open for voting! There are some fics up there by my favorite writers, and a big thank you to the peeps who nominated my own From Here to There and Back Again with You and Alone (But Not Lonely). Those are both very personal fics for me, and I’m tickled they were nominated. “From Here to There” really helped me work through CoE, and “Alone” has a lot of me in there. So thanks. Also, the UFO Awards are open for voting. I think this is the first year for Torchwood? At any rate, From Here to There and Back Again with You is up for an award over there, too. Thanks so much, lovely nominators!!!!

Okay, let’s talk about food! I am finally coming off my vegan cupcake high. Y’all, I made a lot of cupcakes. And I love putting them in valancy_joy’s Cup-a-cake holder and lobbing them into M’s purse as she leaves for work. (I’m a good little wife! Like Julianna Marguiles, only not as old. Or, well, as hot.) But this weekend I was thinking about making pie and sending cruentum a pic of it. Dude could use some pie. Only thing is, I have just enough pumpkin leftover to make vegan pumpkin chocolate chip cupcakes. I have leftover pumpkin b/c I read this “Supernatural” AU and I loved it, w/ hearts and flowers and unicorns. It’s called Peanut Butter Pumpkin Cake - so obviously I had to find a recipe. Definitely a tasty cake, see?

Anyhow, I am creating my first ever poll to ask you: what should I bake this weekend? And! I got home from work today and found lots of recipes from amand_r in my mailbox! Hot dog! Thank you muchly! In honor of my new recipes, I am declaring next weekend “Cooking Weekend.” Here are my favorites from what she sent me. Y’all get to help me decide what I’m going to cook. I’m going to make at least two, possibly three of these. (Also, there’s a recipe for corn pancakes, which, OMG! But I’m holding out until I get fresh corn.) So two polls, fingers crossed:


This is turning mammoth, but thought I’d get lots out while I had your attention. So onward to TV. Well, TV-based-on-a-book. I was talking to paragraphs about this earlier, and have done a bit more research, C! They are finally really going to start the HBO show based on “A Song of Ice and Fire.” Well, the first book in the series, at any rate. The cast for the pilot is up at IMDB. I can certainly live with the fact that they made the Lannisters dark-haired. (Yeah, I know, some of my comments will be bordering on the shallow here, sorry.) Peter Dinklage is Tyrion. My world is complete. I cannot wait to see this. Peter Dinklage is a fucking phenomenal actor. Have you seen “The Station Agent”? He’s so subtly moving, and I can’t wait to see what he does w/ the funny, complicated, intelligent, brave, fucked-up Tyrion. I also love that Jason Momoa is going to play Khal Drogo. Why? Because Jason Momoa is hot. Plus, the chica they have playing Daenarys is in her early 20s, so whew! As hot as Jason Momoa is, I did not want to see him fucking a 13-year-old on my TV screen. Or anywhere; that’s not on. Sean Bean, Lena Headey, Mark Addy, Jennifer Ehle - I’m cool w/ these choices. The Danish dude they have playing Jaime looks hot. That’s good. Of course, I hate him with a passion until the third book, then he becomes one of my all-time favorites and a stunning example of character development, if you ask me. But at any rate, does anyone know Rory McCann? B/c he’s playing the Hound, who is my second-favorite character in the series (Bran being number one, but it doesn’t look like he’s been cast yet). Rory McCann was in “Hot Fuzz,” but I’m having a hard time picturing him from that. Maybe I’ll have to re-watch for the 20th time. I love that movie! I am wicked excited that this is finally moving forward. Now if only the 5th book could get published!

More crap about TV I’m watching now! Yay!

White Collar: I wasn’t a huge fan when this originally debuted, but it grew on me. A lot. One of my favorite things about it is the relationship between Peter and Elizabeth. I love seeing a loving, trusting, friendly marriage on TV. Yay, a husband and wife who are totally in love with each other, best friends, but also have their own lives. They’re just fully functioning, and I love that. I've also enjoyed how Peter and Neal have slowly become friends and developed a strong bond of trust. Plus, Mazzie! Love him.

Modern Family: I have got to thank adjovi for convincing us to watch this show. It is fucking hysterical! I love it so much! All of the characters are just spot-on. I have laughed so hard I cried several times. And though I love all the characters, I am sure none of you will be surprised that Cameron, the happy, funny, teddy bear physique one is my absolute favorite. When he defended Mitchell from the asshole at the gas station, all while dressed as a purple-haired clown, I wanted to stand up and cheer! And hug him. (And, hey, adjovi, drop me a line when you’re next in town - I want to make you dinner, and steal back my cookbook and shirt. Which sounds way kinkier than it is.)

Psych: Shawn and Gus are, according to M, our boyfriends. I have no idea which one is mine and which one is hers, but they are our pop culture twins. I think either one would be annoying to have a relationship w/, but damn do I love to spend 42 minutes w/ them a week. And the Psych-out moments at the end? Hysterical! This show always makes me feel good.

Being Human: Okay, I only watched the first episode of this second season thus far. I have to admit I was worried about things. But I’ve been spoiled on the last episode, and I can deal. I think it will work out. So now I can watch the rest of them. Silly of me, I know, but there you go. Damn I love those characters.

Chuck: I’m rather ambiguous about the two new characters. See, I HATE love triangles. And I HATE the whole “I have to keep my spy life secret” plot device. I think it’s stupid. I love this show, but it is really difficult for me to watch when it has both of those elements going on right now. They’ve got to get rid of at least one of these things, because I really love this show, and Chuck, Captain Awesome, Ellie, Sarah and Casey.

Leverage: It just ended its second season, but I’m including it here. I have to admit I didn’t really like the second season as much as the first, probably b/c there was too much Nate and his angst this time around, and he was more “y’all do this shit” instead of team decisions. I guess it wasn’t as fun? But I do still really like the show, especially Hardison, Parker and Eliot. Hardison watches “Doctor Who” and is played by the dude who played Jake on “Supernatural.” Yeah, he’s my favorite. He makes w/ the funny.

Lost: What the hell is going on w/ it? I have no idea! I could have done w/out the alternate universe storyline, personally. I want closure on the real characters, thanks. And what on Earth was up w/ that Sayid episode? He’s my favorite character, but damn. A little dark there, yeah? And it’s not that Sayid isn’t dark, it just - it was a little weird. Weirder than it usually is. I don’t know what to make of it yet. I am looking forward to the Richard-centric episode, I must say. And something else I really want to see: a reunion for Sun and Jin. Please, oh please! Please, show. W/ a cherry on top. Also, less Jack please. Though I’ve been asking for that since the first episode, all to no avail.

Burn Notice: Exhibit 100 why characters named Sam are awesome. This Sam is loyal, resourceful, comic relief, and how awesome that he and Michael’s mother have become basically best friends? Have I met a character named Sam I have not liked? I can’t think of one. (And even though I’m a Dean Girl, I still like Sam.) Anyhow, it just finished its season. Sam was great, and Maddie especially rocked in the finale.

Whew! I have got to end now. Just one more thing, then I'm off! amand_r and cruentum are hosting a TW RPF commentathon over in amand_r's LJ this weekend. I'm totally going to write a gen!fic comment!fic IN THE COMMENT BOX! ON THE FLY! You know there'll be Nick and dogs in it. :) Okay, that's it! Thanks if you managed this tl;dr! Thanks if you didn’t! Rock on!

writing, meme

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