RECs: Clarity and the Virtual Season

Feb 21, 2010 08:51

Hey, y'all, I've been on vacation this week, but half the time I've been wicked sick. I've just been hanging out in my parents' guest room trying to sleep and succeeding only in coughing myself out of a voice. It's not been a fun vacation, especially as I wanted to be spending lots of time with my nieces, but I've been too sick to do that. Of course, they gave me this cough, so I suppose they must love me! Ha. :)

Anyhow, two good things to brighten the day of anyone with an illness, or anyone in general:

1. Clarity by amand_r. This is my all-time favorite 'verse (Gold dust) in any fandom and this chapter here is definitely one of the best. I loved, loved, loved it. It's got a mix of action, suspense, domestic drama, kids, humor, sorrow and the best ending. All of the characters are very well-drawn, but this time especially I really, really felt for Ianto. I very much admire how amand_r can write an extremely emotional subject without delving into the maudlin or telling us how to feel.

2. Holy crap, the Virtual Season has begun! Dudes, this has required massive effort from dozens of people and the finished product looks very professional. We even have ephemera! Hot diggity! The first episode is up, and other episodes will follow once a week for the length of the season. Now if only John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen, Tom Price and various other surprise guests would sign on for our episodes...


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