MEME: Don't Stop Believing! (And Happy Birthday, Adjovi!!!)

May 27, 2009 00:01

Okay, so Proposition 8 was upheld. We take two steps forward and two steps back, and it's frustrating as hell. What we need to lift our spirits are some cheesy pop songs. It is also adjovi's birthday, and she lifts my spirits, so that's a double whammy to the forces of cruddy awfulness. Here's a meme I made up (I'm sure it exists somewhere in the ether; not my intent to steal from anyone w/out credit, but I haven't seen it). This was also inspired by the awesomeness of "Glee" (on FOX next fall; please tune in as the pilot kicked all sorts of ass. Lea Michele, will you marry me? We'll go to Maine).

MEME: Don't Stop Believing!
Choose your three favorite cheesy pop songs. When did you first hear them? Why do they have a special meaning to you? What are your favorite lines? Embrace the cheese!

1. "Always" by Bon Jovi -- Some dude used to play this song while he worked on his car on my walking route home from 8th or 9th grade. It always calls to mind spring, the weather finally warming up, and oil and sockets and car fix-y mechanical things. I belt it in the shower, especially the line, "When you say your prayers, try and understand, I've made mistakes, I'm just a man." I am not a man, and that is the deepest irony my brain can handle when I'm in the shower. I also really love how fully he commits to this thing. I bet you anything he drops to his knees while singing this song. I love it wholeheartedly.

2. "Faithfully" by Journey -- This was going to be my cousin's wedding song, but she went and eloped in Vegas instead. That should tell you something right there. My cousin is one of my all-time favorite people, and this song always makes me think of her. Sometimes, when I sing this one in the shower, I sing "motorway" instead of "highway," just like M's GPS guy (he's Aussie). There's a lot of wailing in this song, a good mark of being fully invested in a cheesy pop song. I have so many favorite parts: "I get the joy of rediscovering you" (dirty!) and "Loving a music man ain't always what it's supposed to be" (for all the guitar playing crooners I've fallen for over the years -- damn straight, Steve Perry, damn straight).

3. "Open Arms" by Journey -- I like my cheese in the flavor of Journey, what can I say? I first really became aware of the power of "Open Arms" in the early 90s. I was staying w/ my grandparents in the great state of Maine for part of the summer, and my grandmother, cousin and I were watching Oprah. This remains the one and only episode of Oprah I have ever watched. It featured romantic reunions, and this was for this man and this woman who had grown up together, but he went and married some other woman and later got divorced. The woman he grew up w/ was a guest on Oprah, and when they brought him out, they played this song. I fucking cried. They both sobbed like babies; it was wicked touching, and I vowed then and there to never watch another episode of Oprah b/c I hated crying at a daytime talk show. But I still loved the song. Favorite line: "We sailed on together, we drifted apart, and here you are by my side."

There are tons more to choose from, but I'm stopping at three. The kids from "Glee" went w/ "Don't Stop Believing," another awesomely cheesy Journey classic. I fail at embedding the video, so shall link here.

glee, meme

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