VID: Lady Pilot

May 31, 2009 22:33

Have made vid! It is my very first vid. There are absolutely no special effects or cool transitions. Still, I am so ecstatic to have finally finished *something* that I had to post right away! Helpful suggestions are good. Now I just need to finish the TBB and send it off to beta before I go to bed tonight. And do those other fics that are months overdue by my internal deadline clock. Oh well. I made vid! Extra special thank yous to thrace_adams and alba17 for learning me how and to M for the Tosh-like tech boost.

Usual bit about clips belonging to BBC, music belongs to Neko Case. Starring Gwen, Tosh, Suzie, et al (but just the ladies).

image Click to view

Here is the link to YouTube in case I screwed up on the embedding.

ETA: I have also put it up for downloading now here on mediafire.

tw: tosh, tw: suzie, tw: gwen, no fic, vid

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