Pay it forward!

Jan 10, 2012 21:29

I stole this from akadougal:


My pledge? I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on this post.

The catch? You must then post this on your own LJ/FB/Twitter (wherever you like) and make something for the first 5 people who comment on it.

The rules? Items must be handmade* by you and the recipients must receive them before the end of 2012. So what are you waiting for?

*when it says handmade, it doesn't have to be anything major like a chest of drawers. It can be anything as simple as some graphics (if you don't want to give out your address), or a card, or origami, crafts, sewing, knitting, food related, anything at all.

If you're in the States, this will most likely entail cupcakes. If you're not, you will get something rather creative.

And hi! How are you?

meme, flist

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