Hello, Gorgeous!

Jan 01, 2012 20:10

(That's directed at y'all, just so you know.) Happy New Year and all that jazz! Is it time for a ruminating post? Maybe? I shall create a meme-type-thingy to make things easier.

What I did this year (cupcakes)
I started selling my vegan cupcakes at a farmers' market near my house in May. Every Saturday from May to Thanksgiving I was there, except for a few where I was out of town. It took an awful lot out of me. I got home from work and baked cupcakes every night. EVERY NIGHT for SEVEN MONTHS, more like eight due to holiday orders. It was insane. I don't know how M put up w/ me. We started eating dinner around 8:30 so I could have cupcakes prepared while I was making dinner. It's also very hard to lose weight when one is a baker. I have four months to try to get back into good habits before the cupcake season starts up again.

The thing about the cupcake business is that it didn't make me all that much money. And it took every scrap of free time I had. My writing fell off, my participation in fandom, hanging out with friends -- everything else fell off. I have a dream, sure, of being a baker, and I dream up new flavors I want to try, adjustments to recipes, and I love the actual baking aspect. But I don't really like the selling side, and I'm not over the moon about decorating, but I've bought some decorating stuff, and been given others, so maybe that will help. Cupcake paraphernalia has taken over our apartment, but M is gung-ho about organizing. She's researching a cabinet/buffet thing for me to store stuff in and have extra counter space, and installed hooks to free up space in drawers, and experimented w/ moving stuff around in the library and dining room so we can fit a new piece of furniture and be organized. So that's all good, b/c I was starting to go cross-eyed at the disorganization but had no time to fix it.

Anyhow, I know a lot of people have two jobs to make ends meet and I shouldn't complain. At least the baking is a dream, right? And one should follow one's dreams. I got a babycakes cake pop maker for Christmas. I'm going to follow my damn dream. Maybe it will be easier in 2012.

So for listening to this ramble, have a recipe. I made it up myself, based on two or three recipes from "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World." Here's gluten-free Coconut Almond:

1/2 c. white rice flour
1/2 c. garbanzo bean flour
1/3 c. almond meal
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt

Sift ingredients together and set aside. In separate large bowl, beat the following:

1 c. coconut milk
3/4 c. granulated sugar
1/3 c. coconut oil, melted
1 Tbsp. soy yogurt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. almond extract
1 tsp. coconut extract

Then beat in 1 Tbsp. flax seed meal and 1/8 c. tapioca starch. Beat well, make sure the starch is completely incorporated. Then beat in the sifted ingredients. Add cupcake liners to a cupcake pan, fill liners 2/3 full w/ batter. Bake at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes.

For frosting:
1/4 c. vegan margarine
1/4 c. shortening
1 3/4 c. powdered sugar
2-3 Tbsp. coconut milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 tsp. coconut extract
1/2 c. unsweetened coconut flakes

Beat margarine and shortening, add sugar. Beat well, then add milk and extracts. Beat for a few minutes to get it fluffy. Then stir in coconut flakes. I add an almond to the middle of each cupcake after frosting. Enjoy!

I don't seem to have a pic of these cupcakes, but here's what looks like red velvet, chocolate w/ strawberry frosting and carrot cake. Yummers.

What's going on in my life right now (changes at work)
Two months ago, utter weirdness went down at work. My department was "reorganized" and my boss and another co-worker were both let go. It was done extremely unprofessionally, which I won't go into here. I'm still not very clear on how this will effect me. We still have to do all the work we were doing, just w/ fewer people. I'm hoping the silver lining here will be a change in title for me to something w/ a bit more oomph. I don't need an increase in pay (well, everyone needs an increase -- I don't EXPECT an increase) but I would love to have a title I could put on a business card and not be embarrassed to hand out. I've been w/ the company for ten years. At any rate, this entire situation is still wicked weird and we have to see where it goes. I am not fearing for my job at this point. It's just been very stressful and awkward.

What I've been doing in fandom (DCSS & thoughts on twitter)
One bright fandom spot was co-modding the Dean/Cas fic exchange this holiday season! I did learn some things about how fandoms work from it -- I'd never modded anything before, so it was like peeking behind the curtain. Really enjoyed working w/ my fellow mods, and I really hope anyone w/ an interest in Dean/Cas will go to the site and peruse the fics, art, and vids. I am still working on seeing everything -- there's about 100 entries, zoinks! Check out the Masterlist here! Go shower people w/ love!

Onward to twitter. I'm not on all that much. I didn't have time, and then I got frustrated w/ it as a social media. It works to feed the hive mind which can be annoying, true, but what I don't really like is the embarrassment by proxy. Meaning, there are things that we complain about, behaviors, people, stories we read, etc., that I just feel are better served in a one-on-one environment. So that the people we're complaining about don't read it, or read it out of context and it comes out even worse. It always dampens my spirit. And yet I keep going back to twitter b/c I want to participate when there is squeeage. Also, I think people have the right to grouse or squee about whatever. I just wish there was more tact on twitter, I suppose. I don't know; I don't really have a solution. I made filtered columns, but. Bleaurgh.

Everything I wrote in 2011
SPN canon-compliant:
We still want to be reminded (that the pain is worth the plunder) -- Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, OCs; NC-17; 12,375 words; 1-8-11
I've come to test the timber of my heart -- Dean/Cas, Sam, Balthazar; NC-17; 8,500 words; 4-12-11; originally posted for deancastiel's everlasting birthday challenge
In the Garden -- Castiel, Joshua; PG; 1,000 words; 5-21-11
Good Times -- Dean/Cas; NC-17; 650 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn
Every Muscle Was Throbbing, Throbbing from That Riotous Ride -- Dean/Godstiel; NC-17; 950 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn
The Touch of Your Hand Makes My Pulse React -- Dean/Cas; NC-17; 1,500 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn

The Awesomes -- Dean/Cas, Sam, Anna, Gabriel, Balthazar, Bobby, Meg, Lucifer; R; 28,700 words; 3-26-11; originally posted for dc_everafter
J. Alfred Prufrock Grows a Pair -- Dean/Cas, Sam, Jo, Jess, Balthazar, Anna, Meg, Becky; PG-13; 9,800 words; 6-27-11; originally posted for deancastiel's everlasting birthday challenge
Backseat Sonnet -- Dean/Cas; NC-17; 1,900 words; 7-1-11; sequel to "Prufrock"
Outside of Class -- Dean/Cas; NC-17; 2,300 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn
In Our Ivory Tower -- Dean/Cas/Lisa; NC-17; 1,075 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn
You Can Count on Me -- Jo/aged up Claire; NC-17; 2,687 words; 7-25-11; originally posted to blindfold_spn
A Mighty Dark Night -- Dean/Cas, everyone who was ever on SPN; NC-17; 74,000 words; 9-9-11

Superman -- Jensen/Gen, Jensen/Misha; NC-17; 1,500 words; 9-15-11
Words with Friends -- Jensen/Misha, implied Jared/Gen; R; 8,000 words; 9-25-11

I finished two long-overdue WIPs in this fandom! Woo hoo! Links are to their masterposts.
The Carriage held but just Ourselves -- Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh, Owen, Andy, Kathy Swanson, Suzie; PG-13; 22,000 words; 8-29-11
Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones -- Jack/Ianto, everyone who was ever on Torchwood; NC-17; 64,300 words; 8-6-11

The Dean/Cas high school au was by far the most popular. My favorite was The Awesomes, though. It was just so much fun to do a superhero au, to do domestic/established relationship, to write kids and parents and FAMILY and the ties that bind. Plus, based on a movie I love. I had horrible writer's block for it until that shit just broke, and it was a wonderful feeling. And another instance where paragraphs and kel_reiley swooped in and saved my beta ass!

New obsessions (Dimples & Tom Hardy)
Mmmmm. So this happened: dizzzylu mentioned that she was writing an Inception Big Bang, and I butted in! The rest is history. That doesn't explain anything, but a picture's worth 1,000 words, so let's have some, shall we?

They're both so delectable!!!

I have such a thing for curls and glasses. OMG. I don't even care he's about ten years younger in that first one, either. And then there's the dimples!

See, he can be adorable and super duper muscle-y.

So that was a bit shallow, apologies! Have some youtube clips!

image Click to view

Jimmy Fallon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt doing karaoke as David Bowie and Axl Rose. kriari pointed me to this, and it is a guarantee pick-me-up when I'm feeling down.

image Click to view

"The Dark Knight Rises" trailer. This movie gives me tingles, yo.

Anyhow, that's the update from me! What's going on w/ y'all?

vid, masterlist, updates, writing, c is for cheerleader, kriari is a goddess amongst women, list, inception, dizzzylu - the extra z is for zoinks, cooking, cupcakes, read my friends' shit, tom hardy is a cuddler, jgl's dimples give me feelings, supernatural, kel is full of idears, torchwood, spn: dean/castiel

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