Happy Birthday, valancy_joy!

Jan 12, 2012 20:50

Today, we celebrate the birth of one Ms. Joy. And also my dad. But this picspam is totally not for my pops. Valancy just wrote her first Inception fic and she has a thing for Tom Hardy, so voila! Some Tom Hardy (and a wee bit of JGL) for the birthday girl:

A picture's worth a thousand words, so I'm not going to wax philosophical on how awesome Tom Hardy is, and how everyone should go out and watch his movies (I really like RocknRolla, myself!). I will tell you that I want a Tom Hardy cuddle. Right now, please. And Valancy should get one, too, since it's her birthday!

And some w/ Joseph Gordon-Levitt:

And a couple of just JGL. Just b/c:

So happy birthday, m'dear!! And I hope you write many more Inception fics! Feel free to write some SPN Dean/Cas, too. ;)

tom hardy is a cuddler, jgl's dimples give me feelings, birthday, flist, pics, inception

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