Apr 24, 2007 17:36
I'm sure most of you who visit your grandparent's enjoyed actually visiting them; I'm also sure you went through a period of time when you wished that you didn't have to visit them.
At this moment I have two granny's; and I know you will all be saying that I should be gratefull to have them still with me ect. I don't talk to my dad's mum now that my Grandpa is dead due to one major incident that happened when he was in the process of dying; and although my Grandpa has been dead for almost 4 years now, I'm not about to forgive and forget because I know that she isn't sorry for what she did and that she doesn't give a damn about her Grandchildren either.
My mum's mum is a completely selfish old bag who only cares about herself. My Papa had gone in for an eye op on the Friday (he only has one good eye and they were trying to get his vision to be clearer, so far it's all been fine); so the family are giving him a lot of attention as you do because it's his only good eye. My Gran doesn't like that fact, she wants all the attention to be about her. She talks about being depressed and feeling really down (she has tablets for that and she isn't taking them), she says she feels dizzy (tablet's that she isn't taking), and a few other things that I don't want to type out in case you've eaten or are about to. This woman doesn't try to help herself; she stuff's her face with sweets and crisps through out the day, and when dinner comes she has a small meal; mean while my Papa doesn't; maybe a biscuit with his cup of tea, and obiviously they have breakfast and lunch; but my Papa is nothing more than skin and bones while my Gran is this big fat thing.
But she always spoke of her dad (my Great Grandfather) who always said; 'I can do it, I will do it' you know a really positive person; while she's saying; 'I can't'. And it really annoys the hell out of me when she says that she can't stand, yet today she could when I had to put the trolley away and my aunt had to reverse the car out of the parking space due to the person parking slightly over the space. Considering how long my Papa has been married to her; he isn't going to completely stand up to her; although he appears to be doing so now after the operation. Then my mum and auntie speak of their childhood and how my Gran was back then; and it surprises myself and my sisters of what she was like then, that mum and auntie dreaded going down on Christmas morning since they would know she would moan about thing.
It's nice to vent; but I was wondering does anyone else have a Grandparent who is like this? I'd ask for advice, but I don't think advice is going to work.