Cynicism is not realistic and tough, it's unrealistic and cowardly, it means you dont have to try.

Jun 05, 2007 19:49

I guess I am cynical. I have tried so many different ways of trying things in my life that I have turned into a coward, I tend not to do things because of fear of regret and failure or worse, upsetting someone. We got denied income support today which is bullshit, we've been advised by the appropriate people that we qualify and should claim it, now we have tried, again I say failure.. Reaches new levels, just when you thought it was safe to come out of the covers - BANG - something else frightens you back under.

How is it fair then that lazy people who dont want to do anything, dont want to help themselves, dont want to get better, get everything they want, people who lie and cheat to get money that they are not really entitled to, people who break the law and still come up smelling of roses. Why, when, for the first time ever, do we need some government financial help are we denied at every turn. Martin is one of the hardest working people I have ever known, he has always worked and is finding it hard not being at work. Why cant they consider factors like that. No.. No... fuck them they dont need help, look they've not sponged from the government for years, lied and loafed they wont be like that for long, they dont need help, they need a kick up the arse, that will get them going, give them no money to eat and they'll soon get back to work... blah blah blah blah fucking blah.

I had the hospital check up today, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I didn't quit smoking I am going to get ill again, without question, apparantly, it is the worst thing I can do for myself is smoke. Its true, either that or he is reformed smoker.. LOL ...

I start CAT therapy in 8 weeks or so. It takes a long time.... Unless I pay.... of course...

I'm still taking the sleepers at least, so I get a good night, plus....bonus!!!! handfuls!!!


- 10 ins't enough! 

government, life, health

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