There's an opening at the Library of Congress for the exact job I learned about during my
externship in DC last spring. It's not an exciting job, scanning and cataloging old photos and documents. It is something, however, that I absolutely could do. With a bit of training, I would unquestionably be capable and competent in performing the job's duties. However, when I get to the application, I'm clearly not qualified for the job. I don't have "knowledge of library processes and procedures." What am I supposed to say for "Ability to use computerized search tools, databases, and functions"? "Uh, I was a college student, and books and articles for research projects didn't magick themselves onto my desk?" This isn't difficult work, and yet I'm grossly unqualified. If this were a job in the real world, I'd probably be able to send a note to my externship sponsor, let him know I'm applying, and ask him to put in a good word for me if he's not retired. However, the federal government is legally obligated to only consider the top three most qualified applicants. I couldn't even get an interview for junior nose-picking coordinator, and let me tell you, I am pretty damn good at picking my nose.
Looking back at the LJ post I linked to, written a year ago, I can pretty clearly see the path charted from that point into the present. I might try looking for a job with the federal government for a year or two, just for kicks, though all the openings i even come close to being qualified for are secretarial / paper-pushing jobs. Check. Doing that. I'll probably... try following up with the PC(USA) young adult volunteer program.... but i feel often that it's not worth the effort. Check. It wasn't.Majoring in soc. was the stupidest thing i could've done. Check. It was.
And I have cavities. There is a monstrous chasm in one of my teeth. Do you remember when you were a kid, when you lost a tooth, and the feeling you got when you sucked on the hole in your mouth, that sort of gentle pain in the gums where your tooth once had been? I can feel that, and the tooth is still there. For now, anyway. I imagine I'm going to wake up one morning to find my pillow covered in blood and surrounded by teeth. I'm gonna look like the Abominable Snow Monster after Yukon Cornelius had his way with him. I've called the dentist's office a block away, and it'll cost $187 for x-rays, exam, and cleaning, plus at least $140 per cavity they have to fill, unless they decide to have mercy on me. Since $187 is two months' full pay. I'll make an appointment with them at any rate.
Life is difficult.