Bauhaus, Harry Potter and Andy Warhol (terror couple kill colonel

Nov 17, 2007 04:46

you could’ve been a doctor in a soft easy chair

Jas says listening to Bauhaus twenty hours a day is unhealthy, I think sleeping four hours a night every night most of the week has been unhealthier, but still I deeply regret staying home Thursday morning. No, actually, I regret falling asleep at midnight and again at five in the morning when I should've gotten up.

Holy shit, baby, I thought you were dead!

I went to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the Dutch translation midnight release in the Stadsbibliotheek (the largest library) with LM and SvV and Th (whom I hadn't seen in months, not since I quit that one job - we were never friends, anyway, don't even know why he was there). There was a cabaret/theatre quartet doing HP sketches - Draco and Severus came salsa-ing out of the closet and Severus went back inside really quick, and a jiggling female Dumbledore is one of the most hilarious HP sketches ever.

On Thursday I'm going to the Andy Warhol exposition in the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, then I'm going to Ryan McGinley's Celebrating Life exposition in the photography museum. I saw the photo on the website and was sold - I'm taking Tad and Freak and Craig and D with me - Freak decided he (and so the rest of us also) was going to Andy Warhol in the morning, so I decided everyone was coming to Ryan McGinley after lunch.

(Voor Celebrating Life fotografeerde McGinley een groep vrienden tijdens een roadtrip door Amerika, als eerbetoon aan Amerikaanse voorgangers als Robert Frank en Richard Avedon. Hij verheerlijkt met deze serie de vrijheid en de ontsnapping aan de dagelijkse beslommeringen, met als decor de schoonheid van het Amerikaanse landschap.)

Dakota (Hair), 2004 © Ryan McGinley, courtesy Team Gallery, New York/galerie du jour agnès b., Paris

fp, citytrip, jasmijn, svv, gbg

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